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    My hair actually looks a lot like Canada's, now that I've had a haircut. When I put on a pair of glasses and hold this stuffed bear I've got in my arms, I freaking look exactly like him.

    It's... A long story.
    Basically she might maybe have been here to take me back to the other dragons.
    Who, last I checked, were in the Swiss mountains.
    A Naruto fan and a Bleach fan... Who woulda thought?

    But it is my fault she left. If you looked through those old threads, you'd see she wanted to leave because of my stupid actions... But I don't think she forgot about everyone. I know she didn't. Remember when she came back? Too bad I wasn't there when she did come back...

    Anyway, yay, glad you joined the RP. Oh, and I won't be here for a bit, 'cause I live on another Pokeforum. (www.Pokeboard.com)
    The sculpture garden in DC is extremely cool.

    She had to be here for a reason.
    But what if she...
    God no. There is no freaking way.
    Argh Ulqi I'm sorry I thought I replied to this already!!


    Okay, now leave, Crys.

    Okay, okay.
    *dissapears into the crowd*

    *sigh of relief*
    Oh, thank God.
    ShadowMario? I haven't seen him in forever! I haven't seen Aquapal in almost a year... And I'm to blame. If I hadn't been such a noob on BG, I wouldn't have gotten banned, and Aqua wouldn't have left... I miss her...

    By the way, if you want to know what forum I go on now, just go to this link: http://www.pokeboard.com

    I'm DarkAura on there...

    ... We haven't talked in a long time, Darkie. It seems only yesterday we were on BG and you were DarkraiGirl. Oh, the times. Too bad I'm so busy on another forum to be on here. :(
    I just started the RP in Social Groups, so I think only you know about it for now, xD. But maybe some people will join, maybe not. *Shrug* That's a good idea: I'll tell some people at FJ like Dar and Spunky. ^^
    The RP's for anyone, everyone, so there's an unlimited amount of starters. You'll get your Togepi if you join, and also another starter! Everyone gets two starters! :D
    No, you didn't die. And we're currently in the Boblantis Lab with a bunch of Terry Jones clones. Shouldn't be hard to find. And I think Ruby will be pretty happy ;3
    I gave you Theifshipping pancakes for breakfast~!

    I also have:
    A kitty that could kick Germany's ass
    A bit of worry you don't like me anymore since you don't seem to enjoy Theifshipping or YGOTAS in general...
    and some other things
    seriously do you still like me
    *eats doll*
    Tastes like koshary

    Anyway. Glad you like the song! C :
    Got any videos you'd like to show me? I'm using my Kindle, whijch will actually handle youtube.
    Another character note, Frost only gets this worked up around her cousin or dragons like her.

    Now you get away from my friend or I will punch you in the face.

    Now, you wouldn't punch your cousin, would you?

    Shut up. I never liked you. That's why I came here.
    Because in all reality, humans are much more likeable than your typical dragon.

    Well, maybe you should have been born a human!

    Maybe I should have!!
    *turns to Ulqi*
    Ulqi, this is my cousin Crystalia.
    *glares at Crystalia*
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