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Vipera Magnifica
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  • :D

    You can't be sentient, 'cause you didn't see that loophole, mr. vanilla the insentient.

    Okay then, you're a vanilla flavored rikki-tikki-tavi who cuddles snakes

    Also you used the word "except" so that implies that you're an insentient vanilla mongoose rather than a real boy. >:D
    omg... things are okay nothing really happens with me ?_? my eyes hurt that's basically it and i'm drawing stuff and i'm tired but that's how it is all the time weh. actually i'm trying to finish an animation thing but that's not really big news.

    i bet something big is happening with you though right!

    hey. D:<

    how are you more sentient than me if you're not sentient at all?!

    I saw Vanilla Mongoose and was like "what in the heck, new forum members like rikki-tikki-tavi flavored vanilla...?"

    and then I noticed that the weird guy who's been calling me insentient was a vanilla flavored tikki-tavi

    and then...
    I was WONDERING who in the heck Vanilla Mongoose was!

    That's okay. It comforts me to know that Vanilla VMWare is insentient.
    no, no, no

    you see, my mom is most certainly sentient

    it's just that

    your other name is VMWare

    and because the application VMWare is most certainly not sentient but is instead a jumble of coding, you're also not sentient but a jumble of coding.
    The songs in the video that we heard in concert:
    La pastoura als camps (The Shepherd Lass in the Fields) - aka the sassy one with the horse and the girl running away
    Bailéro/Baïlèro (Baïlèro)
    Pastourelle (Shepherd Lass)
    Lo fíolairé/La fïolairé (The Spinner)
    Malurous qu´o uno Fenno (Unhappy is He Who Has a Wife)
    it died! it isn't working anymore :p i'll probs be getting a new one tomorrow but til then, don't bother texting me i can't get it lol
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