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Vipera Magnifica
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  • actually no, if pre-puberty males ingest it it can actually make them start growing breasts. but i don't think it has that effect on post-puberty males so uhhhh idk what that guy's problem is
    so i'm in one of my classes ok and we're talking about water usage and stuff and i asked "is there a way to chemically separate h2o from the other junk that's in water" and my teacher said "sewage treatment plants get out most junk but not all of it, they leave some pollutants. like estrogens from plastics. and birth control, like when you dispose of that through urine" and i asked "ok is it actually a problem to ingest those things" and this guy in my class said "i wouldn't want to have that in my system"

    and i was just thinking like "fdkjfdkfd why do we have to be so heteronormative >:( ok if you're not trans* that's ok i get it but seriously are we so set in our ways that becoming a little 'girlier' is a Bad Thing?????"
    there's so much i want to read but i don't really have a great way of reading stuff. 9_9 i used to have a kindle but i leant it to my dad and he lost it haha... and getting books from the library just stresses me out. and reading on the computer gives me migraines. :c weh. but i super-recommend ender's game.
    I love 1984 9____9 doubleplusgood. also the giver omg I LOVE THAT BOOK i read it when i was really young and it sorta affected me in weird ways... idek. man i should reread that book. I tried watching a clockwork orange but you know that opening scene where they're just being total psychopaths - yeah that just sort of was too much for me haha ... and you know gore and stuff doesn't usually turn me off but like. they were more into it and indulgent than anything i'd ever seen? and the scene just went on and on with them... beating that guy up... and it just seemed pointless brutality omg i just couldn't handle it ?____? the movie must have a point i know so it's on my to-go-back-and-try-again list haha but i'm so scared of it sogindfh. i should read fahrenheit 451 and do androids dream of electric sheep? probably... and brave new world.

    have you read ender's game? i really love that book too even though the writer's a douche. >_> still a great book.
    I think these are people who only see titanic and... romance shit. ~____~ idek. he is a gorram amazing actor honestly one of my favourites. (also fight club is my all time favourite movie >__> i own the tumblr url specialsnowflake and my current url is flashbackhumour if you get the reference.)

    also more dystopias have you seen the matrix? people get super down on it because of the second/third movie but i honestly love it as a whole... POSSIBLY biased but haha i just love what they add to the world. i won't say more in case you haven't seen it butttt i'm a super big fan u_u god i just love dystopias they are so cool. (also reason you should read animorphs - dystopia yeaaaah!!)
    omg i love 12 monkeys GOD. my weakness is sci fi/fantasy dystopias that are also possibly thrillers and ridiculously good acting on the side (see: brad pitt i hate when people act like he's famous just for 'good looks' god just look at some of his movies he is ridiculously good, 12 monkeys is my favourite though??? god? did you see him? he is so fucking good i mean. jeeeesus. ) ok i'm not kidding that is one of my all-time favourite movies i'm so glad you watched it *u*

    ngl my movies are mostly dictated by my personal taste rather than... quality... i mean 12 monkeys is quality but i love it more because it's like, the kinda stuff i love haha. tv shows i prefer more based on quality. u_u
    ok so i was in my sophomore year of high school right and i passed my creative writing teacher (probably one of my best teachers) in the hallway and he said "hello" and i said "hello" and he said "how are you" and i said "good" and i stopped there

    and i don't remember exactly what it was but somewhere in this or around this time i had the realization that most people would say "good, how are you?" and so i started doing it and it was so, so strange because i had to literally force myself to say "how are you" it wasn't something that happened naturally, i had to actively remember it (unlike saying "hello" and "good" which are socioinstinctual)

    i just remember this because i can remember it feeling really weird to have to actively say "how are you" because most other conversational instincts are just like "talk about a thing" but "how are you" wasn't a thing it was a social norm so i'd have to be like "hello" "hello" "how are you" "good. [EVIE, YOUR TURN TO RECIPROCATE.] how are you?"

    expressions/body language is arguably an even weirder experience

    anyone who knew me when i was younger could tell you i had no fucking idea how to read facial expressions beyond some very-super-obvious ones, i took my context from tone of voice and actual words instead.

    then this happened

    and i read it and i read it thoroughly and from then on when i looked at a face i'd be like "e is smiling but eir entire face is not distorted this is not a real smile" and things like that but it still didn't come naturally, i'd have to think about it and then i could interpret it. i got really, really good at it (there was a time i said 'lily i can interpret your facial expressions' and she goes 'really' and makes a face and i was like 'you're trying to look bored but i can tell you're not actually bored' and she was like 'omg how'd you know') but it still wasn't instinctual and it's odd in that i can pinpoint the EXACT THING that led to this development

    similarly i had trouble picking up on nonverbal facets of body language like if someone was using eyes to tell me a thing i often could not pick up on it or stuff like that. i started looking for and USING these things more often after the expressions tutorial (i can still remember using eyes to explain a thing and marfy was like "omg evie i think that's the first time you managed to use subtle nonverbal gestures to get your point across") but it also coincided with seeing Tangled. there was a part in the movie where rapunzel and eugene are in the bar-place (can't remember the name) and escape through an underground passage and the big guy helping them escape points his eyes toward a thing to signal "go over there" and that's when i realized, holy shit, these things HAPPEN. and that also helped me start looking.

    imma weird shit
    so i am presently in my methods ('methods and materials [for music therapy] in home and school settings') class and my professor was talking about the symptoms of someone who doesn't understand the functional (pragmatic) use of language.

    "doesn't know how to initiate social interaction, ask for more information, keep a conversation going" stuff like that and i just started grinning because that is the story of my childhood. the professor noticed me grinning (she knows I have Asperger's and I've openly discussed my experiences in class before) and winked at me

    i am amuse

    (also did I ever tell you the story of my conscious realizations of understanding facial expressions and conversational norms? it was - still is - a weird-ass feeling haha)
    yay, glad you liked it :D that reminds me, I need to watch Solaris, The Mirror, Nostalgia and The Sacrifice eventually. Andrei Rublev was almost as mesmerizing as Stalker. also I see you gave The Elephant Man 5/5 :D
    Excuse me whileI attempt to figure out who you used to be =.= I'm sorry, it's been a while. And I couldn't keep up with namechanges even when I was active...
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