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Vipera Magnifica
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  • Happy birthday, VM. I hope you win your chess match. I heard death has a relatively tricky strategy.
    Ha ha, thanks. I really hope I win it! I mean, I'm kind of nervous, but I know I can do my best in the spelling bee! Even if I don't win it, I won't be bummed since I still won the previous one, so no matter what, I have something to be proud of!

    And yeah, most of the kids at my school are jerks, and I don't have a best friend there. I mean, I've got a good amount of friends, but they all have best friends of their own, so I feel kind of let out. Still, I guess I can survive middle school, as I only have a year and a half left of it.

    I know how high school can be better than middle school, since my brother, who's in his second year of high school, says that the students there aren't as rude as in middle school.

    And thanks! That means a lot, and I am hoping to get a good job after college. I always planned on learning how to be an animator when I go to college, so I can animate a TV show. Or, if that fails, I'll just write a few books. I'm sure that my writing is good enough for a book.

    Speaking of good writing, I actually have this site to thank for my grammar, which is better than all of the kids at my school (trust me, if you saw some of the seventh grader's essays, you'd cringe). When I first joined, I was nothing more than a run of the mill noob... But thanks to TCoD and the members on here, and another site I frequent on, I learned how to act properly on the internet, and my grammar has improved tenfold!
    Your college sounds great! I'm even more excited for going to college!

    Anyway, my school is just how you'd expect a middle school to be. A horrible experience. Honestly, elementary was better and I'm almost certain that high school will be better.

    On the bright side, I'm going to a regional spelling bee that's being hosted at my school, since I won the previous one with only the students from my school!
    Your birthday's in a week? Well happy early birthday!

    Is college hard? I'm still in school (you know, with me being thirteen and all), but I'm actually looking forward to going to college when the time comes.
    My life's going normally, actually. Some good stuff, some bad, you know.

    What about you?
    yeah Dennis Hopper sure stole the show in Blue Velvet, though I'd have liked it if the other performances were a bit more serious as well, and if there had been more backstory to the crimes. Mulholland Dr is really extremely awesome beyond words, it's my 2nd fave film overall (assuming you've seen my fave films list on rym though xD), The Elephant Man is very human, heartwrenching and thought-provoking, and Eraserhead is well really bizarre, horrifying and dark, full of disturbing body horror-ish images, unlike anything else I've seen. I highly recommend that you watch Mulholland Dr and Lost Highway first. Inland Empire is apparently his craziest and scariest film, that is best left as the last one someone watches from his works as it's seemingly a self-parody of sorts and one of the most inaccessible films out there; I'm still gathering up the courage to watch that myself.
    I've been busy with exams and playing some dota2. Also I see you still haven't got around to actually rating films on rym though. xD How did you like Blue Velvet? Also I need to watch more Ingmar Bergman films myself; The Seventh Seal and Wild Strawberries were both really good, Persona got a bit lost on me though (but then it inspired Mulholland Dr so it's all good in the end!)
    Eh, not really. I'm just lurking for now. I kept getting PMs that kept bringing me back and I for some reason just could not ignore them.
    Thanks, I appreciate all the supportive comments I get. :) And thanks in advance, I'll keep it in mind to PM you next time I will need to vent.
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