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Vipera Magnifica
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  • :o Yeah! I think the Steam thing was messing up on me. Even though I searched it numerous times after I set it to "Public"...
    (If one really wants to see how much I've changed in the last few years,
    should just take note of my drastically different musical tastes.)

    Please don't! Lots of people on the forums are outside of the gender binary!
    Now that I'm thinking of it, the ~package deal~ thing going on in this mafia game is... an expectable sort of interesting. But eh, safety in numbers, right?

    Why am I talking at you about this
    (coloursful reaction will probably want you to get us killed off again! stay strong, and the reactions might merely amuse! :<<<)
    It's fine, apology accepted, etc. I'm just wondering how Colours is going to react to this, eh? Maybe you've already spoken about it.
    Hey, well, I have to keep in mind what happened the last time I got into a game of yours. I need to have /some/ protection.
    The fandom one? Sure.

    (If I showcase my love for Ghost Trick enough do I get to be Lynne and revive when I'm killed night one)
    "BTW, Cursed Miller is a very shitty role, Moony. Please don't ever use it again."

    reasons, on my end, not to deal with that group in mafia. i.e., seem to really enjoy bastard roles. enjoy them enough to inject them into non-bastard games.

    (the fact that they seem to want to passive-aggressive me out, yet at the same time, not want to openly get rid of me -- you've seen as much -- contributes. but it's mostly because my school of thought on mafia game design is ~irreconcilable~ with that.
    Hey VM, a is probably gonna open in Masque Carnivalia. You should check it out. I know you were interested earlier.
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