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Vipera Magnifica
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  • trying to get the gold symbol, couple weeks on and off
    playing the factory at all, since i first reached the frontier in 2009
    also i made a bet with my boyfriend and to win i have to beat the factory before he gets a gold symbol in either two of the non-factory facilities or the factory. this is one bet i do not want to lose
    as a wise man on smogon once said:

    "If there is one person out there who is able to comprehend this epic effort, it´s me. The only difference is, that after taking hundreds of hours to beat the emerald battle factory (see first link in my sig what it made me do), I simply couldn´t find enough will to seriously go for it in plat factory. It wouldn´t have any value anymore. Also being totally helpless in the hands of the randomness that is factory, you know there´s a certain level of masochism in each of us. I´ve pretty much used up mine in emerald. I´m thankful for that experience. I´m sure now you´re able to smile at a kick into your balls, because that pain doesn´t last the hours you need to get back up to 28, only to have a horrible choice of 6 after swapping in each and every single battle before, etc.

    If someone asks, why? why all of this ridiculous effort, for some symbol noone cares about? The answer is...a man must do what he must do and beating the odds is manly."

    this is my reasoning
    Well, I'm glad you think so. I am head of my university's SF society and far too many of our members regard 2001 as dull. Unlike a lot of people, I think 2001 understands that beauty is a goal in and of itself - hence the very long docking sequence, and so on.
    I think I'll PM you a list; it's grown from way back when, you see. xD

    EDIT: Oh, oh, forgot to include Seether in it, I think. :3
    Haha, cool! C=
    Kamelot was pretty much the starting point for my epic journey in metal, so. Yeah.
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