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  • My pastor i a woman. :3

    And she did great. She likes to use Greek words in her sermons. The only one I can remember is Shalom (sp?) which is a very powerfu word for peace.
    OK, if you think the forum games posting spree before was extreme then...


    And they're both the SAME PAGE! One's scrolled down so you can see that the whole page just has ME! *Claps hands*

    Oh, look, a Bidoof!

    *Opens scroll*

    It's give 'em "EEEEEEEEEE!" You have to get the right amount of e's in there, otherwise it doesn't work. That's the only downside. If you give them "EEEEE", then they'll just be poisoned and it'll do 30 points. And if you give them "EEEEEE", they'll fall asleep and it'll do 40 points. It's a very delicate process. It was hard for me to put in the right amount of "EEEEEEEEEEE!" too when I first got it.
    Well you have to open it. And then you have to scream at the top of your lungs, give 'em "EEEEEEEEEE!" And that'll activate the Scroll's powers.
    Do you really like it? Ahahahahaaha, I have an Arylettjumper on my head all the time. Also, the Holy Scroll of "EEEEEEEEEE!" is VERY powerful. It puts whoever you use it on to sleep AND it poisons and does 70 points of damage. Very convient in our battle against the Other Queen (Queen Elizabeth) and her forces, wouldn't you say?
    Oooh, Arylett forgot to respond to your message. X3 She is sorry, her profile often gets deluged in visitor messages and sometimes she neglects to answer them all.

    You're welcome, my dear Royal Storyteller! You deserve these objects! Now, put on that Arylettjumper I gave you. It's made of floofy Arylettfur, which is very curly and thick, but good at keeping people warm.
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