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  • Yes! I really did, I liked it. Ahahaha.

    Oh Royal Storyteller, 'tis not your time to go yet. The Queen is very pleased with you. You deserve a very great honor... ;;Royal Storyteller Castform received 50 Awesome Points! But wait... there's more! Royal Storyteller Castform received an Arylettjumper! We're not done yet though! He also got the Holy Scroll of "EEEEEEEEEEE!";;

    And I would give these Sacred Objects to not just anybody! Consider yourself lucky, it is one of the greatest honors in Arylettopia to own an Arylettjumper and a Holy Scroll of "EEEEEEEEEEEE!"
    Just wow. That story was brilliant.

    Her Royal Arylettness is pleased. So pleased that she is pulled out of her depressed funk! Yes, now I can rule! Now I shall rule my people, my happiness has returned! ;;Holds up Arylettsceptre high;;

    No, I'm serious, it was good. Wow.
    Now where is that story you promised me? The Queen of Arylettopia is becoming very depressed... she might not be able to run the country properly anymore.
    Don't be so hard on yourself! Of course you're not inferior. For in Arylettopia, everyone is equal! Remember, that's the reason I founded this place.
    No, there is no need to apologise, and what were you doing up at 10 to 7 in the morning!
    Crazy Boy...

    The Superspheal must be a being of immense power! ;;Impressed, bows down;; Even I, the Queen, am immensely impressed.
    Quite. It is quite worthy of her Queeliness.

    But the Sphealstaff surely must hold some sort of secret power. Surely.

    Well an ArylettSceptre has a very special ability. The ability to shoot electrical thunderbolts at people. Red electricity. It's quite powerful, as it runs on the power of the Almighty Queen herself. It is also rumored to have a secret sacred power, which even I do not know of.
    Guards: ;;In awe;;

    Good choice... good choice! You truly are a skilled warrior... =O Now, let me prepare MY weapon. ;;Brings out the Arylettsceptre, gears up, puts on crown and dress;;
    You are welcome, young and great Royal Storyteller. It is always a pleasure.

    Good! Good! Now then... bring me some weapons! ;;Snaps fingers, immediately several servants come in carrying a treasure chest, they drop it and open it;; Pick whichever you'd like, but pick a good one! We need to be well-prepared!
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