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  • Hmm... let's see.

    Deep, deep within the most hidden crevice in the world, there lies a rather odd land.


    And there, one can find many marvelous pencils, of many shapes, sizes and colours. There lies the legendary Pencil Smith, a man who secludes himself from the rest of the world in this secret Crevice Cave. And there he crafts the best, the finest pencils. Mechanical pencils, wooden pencils, he even makes pens on the side! And erasers, of course, fine erasers.

    The man's real name is Aidan. But he goes by the mask of the Pencilsmith. And everyone has heard... heard of the legend of the Pencilsmith. He ships out the finest pencils, manufactures them better than anyone else! But...

    ...no one has ever seen his face. Nobody knows the true identity of the secluded Pencilsmith. And nobody dare enter the Crevice Cave in which he lives. He lives packages of pencils outside of it, where his company, Pencilsmith Inc., picks them up and sends them around the world. Not even his own employees have seen his face...

    And then one day, there was a girl... a woman by the name of Sofia who dared to venture into the cave. Within the cave there are rumors that the Pencilsmith keeps a large ravenous dog with poisonous fangs called Acathia to guard him. For nobody can see just how he makes his pencils... his technique is special.

    Sofia entered, bold and courageous and wanting to catch a glimpse of the Pencilsmith. There she is gored and attacked by Acathia, who actually turns out to be real. The Pencilsmith, unable to watch her slow and agonizing death tossed the vial with the antidote at her and told her to be off.

    But Sofia was persistant. And eventually, she talked her way into seeing the Pencilsmith (Of course, he wore a mask) She soon found out that the Pencilsmith suffered from a terrible chronic Social Anxiety Disorder, a mental condition that causes one to have extreme fear of social interactions with people. His case was very extreme and even as Sofia talked to him, she could tell he was nearly having a panic attack. Eventually she managed to calm him down. And the Pencilsmith, who had never had a conversation with someone for longer than ten minutes realized something.

    He liked it. And they talked about everything, about his life, about how he never had any friends and so on and so forth. Soon it became dark and Sofia had to leave...

    "Come back tommorow..." whispered the Pencilsmith meekly.

    And she agreed.

    Soon she began to visit the Pencilsmith each and every day. And the two had wonderous conversations. He... he felt odd feelings whenever he talked to her, whenever he saw her.

    The Pencilsmith was in love.

    They kept on talking and talking. This went on for several weeks. But then Sofia... Sofia couldn't take it anymore. She leaned close to the Pencilsmith: "I really like you..." He sputtered, feeling uncomfortable, yet at the same time... feeling good. "Please... take off your mask... it's okay."

    He refused at first. And from then on, each and every day she would ask him to remove his mask. And he never did.

    Until something happened.

    One day as Sofia was entering the Crevice Cave to go to Penciland, there was a man lurking around... an odd man with a sword. He had followed her.

    He was jealous. Insanely jealous. One of those stalker-types who was all: "If I can't have you, no one can!"

    The man ambushed her out of nowhere and attacked. Sofia screamed, screamed for help as the man nearly stabbed her. She couldn't have kept dodging all these stabs...

    And now the Pencilsmith had a dilemma. Leave the cave and be seen or stay in there and let Sofia be killed. But her screams... her screams kept radiating outside of the cavern.

    He had to do something!

    And so... he faced his fears. The Pencilsmith left the cave and faced the man in combat, using one of his special unbreakable pencilswords. It was a long battle, with much sweat and blood. And at the end... the man went for his face.

    He slashed the mask straight off.

    His face! His face was exposed! But at this point, the Pencilsmith stopped caring. He had to finish off this man and save Sofia! And so he did. With the finishing blow, he slewn the man.

    Sofia gasped as she looked at his face. He was... well... he wasn't exactly pretty. "Look at me! Look... I'm showing my face! Ever since... ever since I've met you... I've been feeling these weird feelings. Weird happy feelings! I've... I've never felt like this... Th-thank you, Sofia..." And at that moment, Sofia knew that she didn't care how he looked. He was still the same... the same lovely man on the inside. She leaned in, smiled at her sweating and bleeding hero and whispered: "You finally took off your mask." They embraced and the two passionately kissed each other. From then on, the Pencilsmith and Sofia lived happily ever after. He continued to produce pencils, but moved Penciland to a much more public location. Though he still had some anxiety issues, he went to see a good psychiatrist. And with the psychiatrist's and Sofia's help, he overcame his intense social anxiety disorder.

    The End.

    I told you~
    I'm just joking. X3

    My imagination is vastety vast though, you tell me a word and I can probably spin an entire story or crazy thing out of it.

    I could probably make that into a story, but then it'd be a bit... egotistical. X3
    It wouldn't be a fanfic, because technically it's not a fandom. X3

    My imagination is a very, very, very, very overactive thing. I just spun that thing right out of my head, seriously. Made it all up as I went along.

    I'm sure you NOW think that Arylett has many problems of the mind~
    Well... it's a long story, you see... very long. It was after the time that I used to be a milkshake. Oh yes... milkshakes... ;;Gets reminiscent look in eyes;;

    Anyway~! Well I was just a girl, you see. Dirt poor. And I lived in the streets. I was so hungry that I ate dirt. And people would kick and throw things at me, because I was just so disgusting, a filthy beggar. Hmph! I was poor because the government took all of my money... they stole it all. I once amassed a fortune and they kicked me out of my mansion and sent me out onto the streets, to pay for that silly war they were having. But then... then I saw it... I had a vision. And there was a woman... a woman surrounded by bright white light. She said: "Go... go west young Arylett and there you shall meet your fortune anew. There you shall be rich... you shall be successful once more. To the unclaimed Rainbow Territory. And bring the fellow beggars there. There you shall live, live in peace and happiness." And I was shocked, because the country I was living in at the time was at war as I had mentioned before, at war with a rival country for that territory. For a while... I was too afraid... too afraid to follow the woman's advice.

    Then one day, everything changed.

    There was a man, a most horrid and violent man. And he knocked me down to the ground, kicking sand in my eyes and said: "You filthy beggar! I'm so TIRED of seeing you around here, always eating your stupid dirt. PATHETIC! Go make something of yourself, WENCH."

    And then I had a relevation, a most angry and violent relevation. As I gripped my stomach, I glared the man straight in the face, pure anger within my features. And I took my fist, balled it up, and WHAM! Right in the kisser. And I said to him, I said: "You know WHAT? You're RIGHT! I'm going to be something someday, you'll see! I'm going to settle the unclaimed Rainbow Territory!"

    So I set off, off to the Rainbow Territory. But first I had to pass the Shatshack, an evil hellish place of darkness to reach it, east of the territory. There my fellow beggars and I faced sights that you will never believe... we toughed out all sorts of conditions and fought all sorts of manners of beasts. Monsters! Several of them died... ;;Sighs;; And there were only four survivors... out of the sixteen of us who had set off. But I survived, because I had one thought, one dream within my soul. And it burned brightly! The dawn of a new, a fair nation! Where nobody would have to suffer if we could avoid it!

    Then after several hellish months of struggling, we saw it... those fields, those fields of beauty! The Rainbow Territory. And I settled the land, I and the other three original settlers, Atnura, Mourmedy, and Charcill. The first few years were terrible. Several of the beats from the Shatshack would come and attack us. And for a while I had all but lost hope.

    But we perservered! And eventually we built houses, just the four of us... and we built... and built... our first houses were terrible, but slowly and steadily we learned, until we had created ourselves fine mansions. And we learned to hunt and to fish. (Eating dirt was getting old, you see) Soon we thrived! And we were living quite beautifully. After we became successfully, we made a choice, we decided to open our little settlement to all those who wanted to come. And we sent a message, a message to our old country, that in Arylettopia one could be free and happy and peaceful!

    And the people listened and responded, several being quite exhausted with the stupid war. That was when the Great Migration of Arylettopia began. Several people did indeed come, many in fact! It was a large flood, a flood of defiance! Even from the rival country of the old country, they came! And they did it all to stop the war, to protest. For indeed, many of them had had their wealth removed like I had.

    The kings of both countries were baffled. And that was when the most marvelous event in Arylettopian history took place. I went to the middle of the Rainbow Territory, the very heart and center, and proclaimed outloud to the immigrated peoples: "I claim this land, in the name of the people! This new land... this shall be the dawn... the dawn of a new country! And we shall all live in peace, and we shall all live in happiness! I claim this land as Arylettopia!"

    And at that moment, we all became Arylettopians. Everyone just cheered, it was... it was one of the happiest days of my life. The people were hearted, hearted with resolve! And they lifted me into the air, exclaiming: "Long live the Great and Benevolent Queen! Queen Arylett of the new nation of Arylettopia!"

    From that point on, I was Queen! Oh deary me, I was just so embarassed. I tried to tell them, I'm not a Queen or a leader! But they wouldn't hear a word of it. And the kings of the other two countries on our borders were outraged. So began the Great Arylettopian War of '87. It was a long and drudging affair, both countries proclaimed war on the budding Arylettopia. I, of course, know nothing about war tactics, so I really can't take the credit for us still being a country. 'Twas the great General Mourmedy who lead us into battle, she had already had war experience before joining us settlers. And she was just... incredible. Cool, calm, graceful. With her brilliant tactics, our inexperienced troops managed to trump both old countries and General Mourmedy lead us into victory. Though I think we mostly won because we in both of the countries the people were tired of war and did not fight with as much heart as we did. And that is how I became the Queen of Arylettopia. And how Arylettopia was created.

    I told you it was a long story~

    My imagination is just... overactive, I know.
    Yes but that was only a sample. X3 Imagine if I talked like that ALL the time~

    Arylettalk is very strange, oh yes.
    X3 You totally think I'm insane right now, don't you?

    Let me see... here's some Arylettalk for you:
    So like chaleko Castisforman. Ya awesomenocity, goodnocity duudle? Ya so taday my dadoo went to the placebuy and thar he bisbout some chotoness for Arylett. And like, some other thing-thangs happened. Like ol' 'Lett saw some friendaggits thar, ya know? And one was all 'frick frack buckets!' And 'Lett was all: 'Yo duudle, what's wrongety wrong?' and the frienduudle was all: 'No worries man, 'tis cooliyfoolies.' and 'Lett was all: 'Well if 'tis cooliyfoolies friendman.' And then we all jest larfed. All larfed. Than my maufie called. And I went on to my livingplace and stuffety stuffs took place. And that's all thar is too it, duudle! Yeppersity yep!
    Oooh dear, Arylettopia? It's a very awesome place, I must say! The waters are also made of chocolate, deep rich chocolate. Of course, other than chocolate water, there's red water. Which is exactly the same as normal water, except it's red, of course. And there's a large crimson shining castle, built out of the finest materials. It's the first thing you'll see when you enter the country. And there I live, me, Queen Arylett. The castle is surrounded by my subject's houses, shops, and other various things. To the west of the city there are the Rainbow Fields, which is our greatest natural wonder. It's a beautiful field full of flowers of various colours, all colours of the rainbow. To the east though.. well... the east is what we call the Shatshack. And well... you don't want to go there, trust me. That place is the scariest part of Arylettopia, nobody goes near it.

    And all the people are dressed in crazy clothes (like wizard robes and wizard hats and chainmail and all that sort of stuff) and have crazy hair colours. There's also a dialect... a distinct form of English spoken there called Arylettalk. It's, well, it's really quite odd. Since I am the Queen, I can speak it quite fluently. But I choose not to, for nobody at these nonArylettopian forums would understand me, you see.

    ...and I can't believe I came up with all of this in under five minutes~
    ...Oh dear, that was fun. X3 ;;Likes to have her insane bouts;; But now it's time for me to be the Queen of Arylettopia again~ ;;Removes costume, puts crown back on;;

    ;;Gigglefits;; XD

    Excuse me? GIRL?! I'm no girl! I'm Castylett! And obviously, I'm MALE. Durr!

    "I just... I give up... oh my God, Arylett's gone mad. First she thinks she's the Queen and now this..."

    And I'm not JUST the Queen of Arylettopia, I'm also President, thank you~

    X3 Oh my God, I just don't stop, do I?

    "No... no you don't! Please remove that costume at once!"

    NO! D< I like it!

    "Oh my God... ;;Facepalms;; There are just. So. Many. Things. Wrong."

    Caaaaastyleet~! That's who I am! I'm the girl, oh no wait, the boy with the plan.

    We'll see how that goes. X3 People will think I'm craaaazy~

    "We already think you're crazy... take off the costume, you're FREAKING me out. O_O"

    No! Falalaalala~ ;;Castylettdances;;

    "O_____O Wrong on so many levels."
    Cross Dressing Castylett, to the rescue! SILENCE! LEAVE THIS DIMENSION IMMEDIATELY! Uncanny, isn't it? I look and sound JUST LIKE HIM.

    "Uh... no you don't. You look like a ridiculous short girl crossdressing. And you SOUND like a ridiculous short girl crossdressing."

    It must've been. X3 I have to shout that to somebody one day~
    ;;Fumbles around in Psuedo-angry Castform costume;; X3

    Oh wow. XDXD I wish I had the courage to do that. That is AWESOMENOCITY. ;;Gigglefits again;;
    X3 Ooooh, oooh! ;;Grabs Castform costume;; Or I could go as pseudo-angry-you!

    "...?! What... what are you doing, crossdressing?!"


    "Weird short curly haired cross dressing chick...."
    You've probably been asked this before, but whatever:

    Are you really fluent in Greek?
    If so, that's cool. :3
    If not, good job translating the Pokemon names anyway. ^
    X3 Oh wow. Silly Spheal costume... I wonder what would happen if I dressed up in a Queen costume.

    "Is... is that crown made of paper?"

    "Silence! Do not question the judgement of your Queen!"

    "Uh... right. Sure small curly haired short nonthreatening girl... <<"

    "Off with your head, I say!"
    I can't remember what my scale was...
    But it was about the width of the page...
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