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  • I'm easily amused~ ;;Giggles even more;; XDXD ;;Imagines you in Spheal costume, giggling even more;;

    That would be the awesomest Halloween ever~

    Her hair's blowing like that, all breezy because the airship's lifting off and it's really windy. My favourite avvie, I don't think I've found one I like more than it since! And I'm drawing a picture with me in an outfit like hers because everyone seems to have the silly idea that I look like her. X3

    What about your avvie? Where'd you get it? It's cute. :3
    Oh trust me, I do. I'm the Queen and President of Arylettopia, who doesn't have problems when they say things like that? X3 And I give people Awesome Points, which is the currency of Arylettopia~ Certifiably mad~

    Thank you. X3

    You mean, who exactly, don't you? It's a character from Final Fantasy VIII, one of my most favourite video games. Her name's Rinoa and I'm actually working on a picture with me dressed up as her. (see? I told you I like to draw myself in weird outfits~) It's basically a screen capture of a scene where she's standing atop an airship that's lifting off.
    So do I! X3

    And I do geekish things too, like drawing. And playing video games. But mostly drawing myself in weird clothes. (I actually drew Queen Arylett) Yeah. I have problems. In the head~

    Cool, I'm glad to know it's going fine. :3
    Hmm... hmmm... Let's talk about hobbies now!

    What do you like to do in your spare time? And tell me more about your Greek, how's that going along?
    Arylett is a very sensitive lady~ Sometimes she can't help it. D:

    Oooh, I got it right? Right on! Pulled that one right out of nowhere.
    Sorry. Just that I always get jumped on and told: "You're just a stupid American who doesn't know anything about other countries." when I don't present knowledge like that. I really don't know anything about anything though, regardless of whether it's from other countries or not. X3

    Eh... Elizabeth? I didn't Wiki this time, I couldn't find it. X3 Excuse me if I'm terribly wrong, I just know that there's a Prince William in there somewhere. ;;Still silly and oblivious;;
    Aww, but I like The Who~

    Oh deary me, I'm not going to lie now. That's something I wouldn't know without looking up. But don't go on telling me I'm oblivious about other countries, because trust me, I'm oblivious about EVERYTHING that goes on around me. I'm pretty oblivious about pretty much the entire environment in which I live in. ;;Knows next to nothing about politics;; X3 But according to Wiki, it's a dude named Gordon Brown~
    Oh no, I didn't get any angry or offending vibes off of that. X3

    We don't get those channels, so we can't watch it~ Also, Dr. Who makes me think of The Who. XD

    And oh, another question! Uh, you guys have a Queen and all that, I know this. But... what exactly does she do? Does she actually rule over you? I thought that was the Prime Minister's job. I heard she's just a figurehead, a public figure and whatnot.
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