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  • Well, I just wanted to make sure! I mean, that's all I hear about, really. The BBC and all that.

    Too bad I can't watch this "Dr. Who", it sounds entertaining.
    Confusing? Well, I say to you what you said to me, once you live here, you get used to it~ It's really not that hard, I could try to explain it~

    You guys and your exams. Seeing as how I've never seen so many exams in my life, it still boogles my mind.

    Is the BBC all there is there? Or are there any other companies on TV? I think there's a channel here called BBC America... but we don't have it. It plays shows from over there, I think.
    I know, I just am explaining to you why people don't say rubbish here. X3

    Ninedee~ I tried to say it the other way once, but people got confused and thought I was saying nineteen. X3 Yep sir, I even got marked wrong because I spelled colour with a "u" once! Sometimes I get really confused and switch randomly between American and British spellings.

    SATs? Oh my God. ;;Major confusion;; Here SATs are exams that you take to get into college.

    You guys have so many exams~ I've never seen that many. So many with so many names and how do you not get confused by all these exams?

    Diploma~ Oh at least that part's the same.

    Queen Arylett must think about this... hmm... So what's this whole BBC thing about? Some sort of television?
    I can't help but say trash or garbage. Trash, oh dear. Not that I don't like rubbish, but it's not something that people say here.

    Ooooh, no wonder somebody found it offensive! I thought it meant something like that, but I wasn't sure.

    Freshman = 9th grade. 14 years old, first year in high school, etc. It's another name for 9th grade, basically. Also means first year in college.

    I think I've got the gist of it. X3 Oh yeah, go on about exams~ That's the part that confused me most actually. X3 I was all: "All these exams are weird and confusing."

    Also, you guys pronounce numbers like 90 like "nine-tee", right? Everyone's all "nine-dee" here.
    Bugging, bugging, bugging you~

    So you guys say rubbish, right? And what does bollocks mean? My friend asked me the other day, she said she thinks it's some British word. And what does "bugger" mean? And the school system, that thing still boogles my poor American mind. X3 I mean, it's been explained to me a thousand times and all I've gotten from it is that you guys say "Year" instead of grade. And have something called primary and secondary school. Apparently there are also chavs, who are these ruffians, right? With knives?

    Yes, I'm so curious~ X3
    Hmm... hmm. Why don't you tell me some things about Britain? (See? I said it right this time!) I must confess that I have an immense fascination with it and I bug all the forum members from that area with questions about it. X3
    Oh yes, shivershivershiver. And I used to be so tolerant of the cold too. That's what we get for living in this subtropical climate.

    Believe me, it is. Although that probably has something to do with the fact that I refused to eat because my ear hurt IMMENSELY bad every time I tried to swallow something. It was pure hell. Couldn't go to school for a week. Never want to get that again.
    Yep! Although that's probably not very cold to you. To us it's FREEZING.

    Wow. That's PRETTY cold. D: You'd probably fry to death if you ever came here then. X3 And I'd be a frozen block of ice! I can't handle the cold very well, as I said. I once got the flu last December... Come to think of it, I'm beginning to feel a little sick right now as Winter starts. Hopefully, that won't happen again. The flu, have you ever had it? Well, if you haven't, it's not fun. Trust me. I lost a LOT of weight and I haven't gained it back since.
    I've heard it was. The temperatures there are probably freezing compared to here. (Also, I think the hurricane's passing by us. It's raining like crazy and there's thunder. Christ sakes, I don't think they're going to have school open. I keep arguing with my mom, but she doesn't listen. It's common sense, isn't it? We can't drive in that weather. Plus some of the roads are flooded. There's a flooding warning.)

    I consider around 50 Fahrenheit cold. ;;Plays with converter;; That's 15 Celsius, yeah. What do you consider hot? There are colder areas in America, but here it's usually around 85 Fahrenheit (29 Celsius) Living here's made me rather cold vulnerable though.
    Oooh, I got your point~ Tiny little tremors that nobody feels.

    Oof! ;;Hits self on head;; Silly American Arylett, makes a silly American mistake. I always get those two confused, honestly. But... don't you live in southwest England? According to your location thing. So technically... I would be right, no? And I live in one of the hottest places in the America, so it's quite hot.

    Oh no, I wasn't born in Cuba. What I was saying was that my parents were and they moved before I was born~ Sorry if that statement was a little confusing.
    Oooh. I've never experienced a mini-earthquake. There aren't really any here~ Just hurricanes. That's all we've got. Also, the summer afternoon are usually very thundery. It once thundered every single day of the month of July. Yeah. Really terrible climate, it's really hotter than anything you could imagine over there in England.

    Indeed, poor guys. Well, I suppose I should be glad that my parents chose to move from there before I was born.
    Hmmm, I see. I wasn't really worried, I was just pondering why the scientists would do something like that if there was even a TINY chance. But I do believe that it most likely won't go wrong.

    Tiny tornados and little earthquakes? Wow. What are earthquakes like? Are they scary? How long do they last?

    Actually... and this is going to sound really weird, but I found it fascinating. I watched it in a sort of horrified fascination. But yes, we've been really lucky this year~ Those hurricanes don't seem to like us very much! I'm glad~ However, poor Cuba hasn't, they've been buffeted by all these terrible hurricanes.
    Oooh, I do see.

    Well then, I hope that last one doesn't happen, about the ray of light and the weather going crazy. That sounds like a really gruesome way to die~ Not noticing you died sounds sort of weird, but I guess I'd rather die painlessly. But I have seen this one program on television about ways the world could end... and it was just O_O. I'm glad I only watched part of that, geez, those people sure do spend a lot of time predicting our doom~

    Ah, I see. They must be the afforementioned doom scientists. The ones who like to predict our doom.

    I heard you get earthquakes there, no? But I think it'll be okay, usually hurricanes serve straight past us and hit somewhere else. I have watched one though. One time I literally watched a hurricane from my window. It's... not something I'll forget seeing, that's for sure. But I think it'll be okay, the hurricane seems to be weakening as it comes towards us~ And if it's too dangerous, we'll just leave. Thank you for your patting though. :3
    :D Thanks! I actually got the inspiration from yours. It was really cute, so I wanted to find some Spheal pictures that would go together. So actually, thank YOU!
    Wow. (Yes, it is Tuesday~)

    I didn't know something like that existed in Switzerland. Have they ever turned it on before? (And this thing will be able to show the answer to these issues? That sounds sort of farfetched, in my eyes.)

    And I really hope that death by black hole is quick and painless, should it ever happen. I doubt it will, if the chances are infinitesimal, but I wouldn't even take that chance if I were them.

    Although a rather nasty hurricane's coming towards where I live, so I suppose my life's in peril either way.
    Pure awesomenocity, I tell you. It has to top your feat of 1,000 Awesome Points~

    Why no, I didn't~ And who says that?
    Hmmm.... hmmm... Well, if you want more Awesome Points, you'll need to do something tremendously awesome. Like of pure awesomenocity. (Buttering up Arylett works well too)

    Oh dear, but people with lives don't have time to sing about Awesome Points, do theey~? But maybe they're just lame stick in the muds! Yeah, because singing about Awesome Points with my crazy Arylettvoice is fuuun~
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