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  • Aaaaahhh! Well the Queen shall await! She shall await patiently.

    Hmmm... perhaps we need a smaller size. ;;Snaps fingers. In an instant, a servant with a smaller suit of armor appears;; Try this one.
    Good lad! Now, don't dilly dally... I can feel the depression setting in... it's festering...

    ;;Hands you a suit of armor;; Put that on! And then... then we shall take the Royal Family!
    Cheese. The Queen requires a story of the word cheese!

    Oh my dear, don't be so humble! Aaaaahahahaha! Come, let us prepare for battle!
    Now entertain me, Royal Storyteller, the Queen is beginning to feel depressed again.

    What DIDN'T you do? It was just marvelous! All the grace, power! With those moves, you could easily kill a thousand men! You must! You must aid us! With you, our powerful secret weapon on our side, we shall overthrow the Royal Family! And they'll never see it coming! /Never/.
    Ever! It shall adversely affect her ability to rule properly! And we can't have a depressed Queen, can we? No!

    That. Was. AMAZING. Oh my. You simply /must/ join my Arylettopian army! You are a warrior, a warrior of great prowess! Never have I seen such skill, such power! ;;Immensely impressed, bows down to your feet, grovels;; Even I, the Queen, am humbled by your presence.
    Yes! I mean, how else would the Queen get her stories? She needs to be entertained! Or she'll turn into a depressing spiraling wreck!

    ...Ahahaha, yes yes...! And will you help us? Will you help the Arylettopians prevail over the Royal Family? I'm sure our army could take them, hands down!
    Oh really? So you think you're the Queen too? X3

    XDXD That would be so much awesomenocity. I wouldn't even know. X3
    Aaah and what do you have in your imagination?

    Eventually. X3 Can you believe I've been sort of planning/writing a story for... four years? And it STILL isn't written. DX I've rejected so many drafts, I don't even know. It's gone through all these crazy changes.
    That story was pretty odd though. X3 And I spun it from "pencil"! Overactive, yep, overactive is my imagination.

    I wish I could finish at least ONE story. D=
    It's the Terrapotta in the Marah Region. It's on the first page. I drew it on paper, but can't sprite it. The colors are much more visible on the second page. I lightened the colors and reposted the picture. It's supposed to have leaves.
    Wow! Haven't talked to you in a while. So I've designed a plot for the Marah Region games. It's amazingly cool. No evil team taking over the world using the power of a legendary.

    So, can you scratch? I have a challenge for you.
    It.. was? X3

    Oh no, I've tried but I just have no motivation. X3 I jump from idea to idea to idea and I never finish the stories that I start.
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