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  • It's Kefka from the Final Fantasy series.

    If you want to know who he is in a nutshell, just imagine the Joker wearing rainbowey clothes.
    Oh, no! D:> Well, at least you'll probably have time to visit him and see some stuff in the country, given the amount of days you have there.
    Be sure to tell me some interesting facts and such when you return, yes? :3
    That's like Germany and me. I mean, quite honestly, I'd say we're alike in a lot of ways, but we differ in a lot of things as well. I'm thinking it's because the German culture is just interesting to me, and as such, the man that represents that nation was naturally the country I'd be attracted to first.
    That doesn't exactly explain why I like Romano, though. X3

    ... I think I'm going to go watch episode one again to see Sweden's suit.
    ... ; ; That's so tragic.
    Sweden is a cool country. :3 He's silently manipulate, which he really doesn't notice, and he's rather misunderstood.
    And he scared Poland, which is cool. :D
    Good. And make sure someone uses England and America and Japan and China and Russia and Poland and Iceland and Norway and ZE AWESOME PRUSSIA, JA.
    (... Hee hee, not really. :D I'll be satisfied with whatever countries are in it. It would make forth an interesting story!)
    Sealand the terrorist. That would make the best fanfic ever. I'm so gonna jump on that. >:3c
    I guess he'd try to screw up England's land, though, shooting rockets or something from his home.
    So now I can imagine Germany looking like Sherlock Holmes. :D!
    Ooo, America as mafia. I can see England being mafia for some reason, but to get America to become one, too, I see a fair amount of arguing.
    But true, I'd change up the roles... Blarg, now I feel a bit bad for making you tell me the mafia roles so everyone can see them. ._.; Sorry about that.
    That's a good idea!
    (I'm going to be especially expectant of the person that might/might not take Germany, and I'm already amused by the thought of Canada being mafia. Eheheh.)
    I love you. c:
    Too bad I'm not that interested in mafia, though, but still. I'll be stalking it, as I'm fairly interested in how it'll turn out.
    (I was tempted to say you could call the mafia the Axis Powers and the innocents the Allies, but eh.)
    Wow. I've never been in a relationship, but even I, the guy that screws up a lot and is generally disliked, have at least 10 friends.
    I feel sorry for you. You seem like a really nice guy.
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