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  • Yeah, America definitely isn't perfect. Especially up here in New York.
    Oh. Well, my school district is 2 million dollars in debt, so it was either that or music, arts, and possibly sports.
    FF V and VI are both for the GBA, which by the way are my two absolute favorite of the whole series.

    FF III and IV were remade for the DS, and they both cost me less than 15$

    The newer ones are okay (XIII-2 was pretty awesome), but I like the middle ones the best :)
    ;m; Thank you, thank you! You are too kind!!

    I've recently come back from hiatus so I just hope I can get back to my original level and speed !
    I am wonderful, thank you very much for asking! And thank you for both your request and your kind comment. c:
    It does seem to be, yes. I'll get another post put in that thread and point out which round needs to be redone.
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