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  • That's kinda bad. Feebas is hard to find too, I can never find it D{

    ...that sounds difficult. I'm not too good with programming things, just sprite edits, and an attempt at scratch sprites.
    True. Like how long it takes to find Ralts in Emerald ^^

    Like how they animate all those Pokemon sprites in B/W! :o
    Oh, only 8-10 hours, lol.

    I'm not computer smart though, so it'll all be a lot more difficult to me.
    I only have Heart Gold and haven't restarted that since May of last year :o It's the only level 100 one I got without cheating x3

    Ah, it sounds difficult to me.

    I need to play this...
    Mine is level 100, since I've had him forever :3 And my other strongest pokemon is my Umbreon. Tright now I'm trying to raise a full team without restarting the game.

    Awesome. It could be a giant wall of text then you can do things to it?

    Oh no, it that very addictive gambling game where I always get reset to the first level!
    :o woah. I don't have the paitentence for that. I always have one or two good pokemon with me, and my Feraligatar is proof.

    and whoo! Good or bad programing?
    Woah. Enter key time :o alright, I'll put a reserve on my list of joined peoples.
    Oh crap...*fixes it* Now no one will ever know ^^ Haha, DM is the dungeon master of the RP :3
    Yeah, I replied and yes, school is rather heavy right now. =p
    AP classes and tests every week, not to mention prepping for college so I'm not even more busy next year (my final year of HS).

    I Love Jolteons by the way =D
    XD Ohhhhh. See, I told you I wouldn't have noticed.

    I'm not THAT patient xD. I'd mess around with it myself (I mean, I did before, and DID make a small animation), but I'm waiting for a tablet or a portable mouse for this laptop. Can hardly draw on Photoshop with this mousepad, but it's getting there.
    Lol. I liked the Umbreon, but like I said, they're all good, so I couldn't choose a favorite.

    That was the first Lucario version, right? Either way, I probably wouldn't have noticed the difference.
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