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Zora of Termina

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  • okay, well, I merged that account into his working one and modded that one

    (edit: 404 get, apparently. yay for HTTP status codes)
    well, you could, but when you move it to the config directory it has to be "system" with no extension at all in order for it to boot correctly.

    If your browser really won't let you save the file without an extension, just save it as a .txt and then get rid of the extension manually I guess.

    I hope it goes well for you. If you can't use the flash drive, for whatever reason, use a floppy boot disk. Just read the instructions at http://www.windowsnetworking.com/articles_tutorials/Building-Using-Windows-XP-Boot-Disk.html download the files at http://unown.no-ip.org:9000/bootdisk.zip format the floppy and move those files onto it.

    I gotta go to bed now because I have to go to work tomorrow, so let me know how it works out tomorrow
    Well, if that doesn't work, you can boot from a floppy disk.

    Assuming your computer has one of those, of course. Floppies are archaic nowadays.
    I understand, I saw your help thread. If it's an important system file you need, perhaps I can supply it.

    If I did the art for eps one and two, and had you do the rest, it'd look pretty awkward though... but the kicker is that episode two is meant to be played on February. So I guess it's between good art, consistency, and actually getting the damn thing out on time. The first two are a damn good argument, though.

    Even if I did start now, I doubt I'd be able to push out all 14 parts of episode 2 on time, so that argument would be moot... We'll see at the meeting, which I'll try to hold tomorrow

    Gotta love it when plans go amok, eh?
    I really hate to bug you about this, but have you made any progress on any of the Placebo2009 characters yet?

    If you really don't have the time, I can take over from here. Just a suggestion.
    NOT THE MARY-SUE!!! ;-; It is the only way to kill me! I AM NOT SAFE HERE ANYMORE!!!!
    First off......MAN YOU STAYED UP LATE!

    Second, here's a sprite of older Pearl:

    Well...when they all escaped, they took a small boat and drifted for days in hopes of finding a safe place. A storm hit and they we're seperated. Halan woke up alone of a beach with the boat and Ming gone.

    ..thus why he is anal about his boat and it sinking. He doesn't want anything to happen to anyone.

    Then there was time when Ming was caught taking care of Halan and was knocked so hard in the head by a whip handle, her head started to bleed. Then she was slamed against the wall and he ears started to bleed. all done infront of a chained and wounded Halan.

    Whick causes Halan's hate for caged and chained pokemon as well as abuse to young ones.

    Then, this is the final one i can think of. There was the time she used herself as a sheild to protect Halan in the middle of a fight betwwen him and Edward. She got a nasty scar starting at her shoulder and curved along her back.

    This is one of the reasons Halan fights with Edward
    His past has alot to do with her. She was the only one that convinced him not all humans are rotten. She took care of him when her father would beat him and such...knowing full well that if she was caught, she'd get hurt too. She can't stand seeing pokemon getting hurt, She's the type to jump in the way and become a sheild.

    If you'd like more, I can tell you.
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