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Zora of Termina

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  • Good. :D

    You'd have to use a stronger subliminal machine to get more money. But then again, those really strong ones are expensive~ Oh geez, like much more than a lot of things. I suppose you can ask them for twenty more dollars, but after that, their brains will be all: "Wait... this is too much money... what am I thinking?"
    Well, at least you're still friends, hmm?

    And what are you going to do? Take some music, embed your voice in it saying: "Sleepety sleep... sweet dreams... sweet dreams" and stick it to their ears? SUBLIMINAL MESSAGING. I'm sure they'll get it. Also, you should tell them to give you ten bucks when they wake up. Just for fun.
    I once had a random dude I didn't even know ask me to be his girlfriend. >.< Geez, I hate it when people ask you out.

    Sleepety, sleep, Zora's parents! In sweet slumber, sweet dreams, oh yes.
    That they are, that they are.

    Can you, like, explode loud angry punk rock music and they'll wake up, then go back to sleep? XD
    The male ones like to frolick and skip in the fields of cutting hair~ Oh, snip snip, that perfect hair cut~

    They did? Ahaha. They must not be happy. FABULOUS~~
    Well, I know something that says gay more than that~ Fashion designers! So gay it hurts~

    You did? XDXD Oh my god, if I did that, my parents would be all: "What the hell?! We're trying to sleep!"
    Aww, a construction worker? Well, whatever floats his boat, right?

    Gaaaaay rainbows are FABULOUS~ ;;Going to draw Atnura's Rainbow Dance;; XD
    But stereotypically gay fashion designers/interior designers/hairdressers are FABULOUS. Simply fabulous. :D

    Ooh, an uncle, you say?
    Oh dear, rainbow suit. XDXD Frolicking through the meadows and being gay! I'm sure he must tell Sheila all the time that she needs to put on more makeup, because "honey, you would look FABULOUS if you did."
    Hey, remember how I said I would do Human Atnura? Yeah well, I got her done~ Whee, here she is. (I'm not very good with humans, so I know she sort of sucks.)
    Oh no, I think they'll worry about both of them. I mean, the two of them were just practically INSIDE that explosion. They could be seriously hurt or dead, they tried to kill each other. I think it'll be a big worry about the two of them.
    Ooh, both! It'd be all like, she thinks she's having a dream she's dead AND she confronts her inner demon.

    And I'll just have Atnura sit there and not... really.. move or breath for a while.
    Those fools HAD TO BE obliterated! They were stupid enough to be in the way. >DD

    Probably. I think an explosion of that magnitude would've knocked LOADS of sense into her. She's definately learned her lesson. XD

    But shh, I'll make it a little more epic by making her look like she's dead first.
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