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Zora of Termina

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  • Yeah. I was going to mention that they're hands. That's so creepy. The music in the Shadow Temple freaks me out.

    Where did you get your information for that report? I want to know more about the Beta.

    You know what I hate? Is how... geometric some characters are. Like Impa and the Great Fairy. Ewwwww!!!!!
    Haha. Anyways, did you know that there was originally going to be an Ice and an Air temple in OoT, as well as a race of people for those elements? The Ice Temple was turned into the mini-dungeon Ice Cavern, and elements of the Air Temple were pur in other dungeons, such as the fans in the Shadow Temple.

    Speaking of the Shoadow Temple, do you think it's creepy? I've always gotten chills when playing it. Also the Bottom of the Well. Did you notice that one pool of purple water in the well with those big pieces of wood on them and those weird plants in it...?
    I didn't mean them to play a main part. It just would have been cool to see some girl names Lilah who looks exactly like Zelda and owns a shop in Clocktown or something. Ruto's dop was Lulu. Other than that, none of the sages has a double in Termina.
    I knew that. XD It's really interesting how a lot of people had a doppleganger in Termina, yet Link, Zelda, Gannondorf, and many other main characters didn't.
    I also likes MM. There was something... Bizarre about it. I don't exactly know whaty to call it, but it's got this element to it that makes it really fun to play. It's also really colorful.

    The only thing I don't like about it is the ticking of the clocks in Termina. Ticking clocks bother me because of my OCD.
    Have you played Phantom Hourglass? I love it when Link tries to hold up the hourglass and Oshus takes it from him and the music suddenly stops and Link's face turns from a smile to shock.
    I've never actually played WW. All I know about the story is what is said in the beginning of PH. I also have LttP for the GBA (I play it on my DS). I've beaten it twice.
    I can see that you like LoZ. What are your favorite games? I like Phantom Hourglass, but it's too short. I also love the N64 classics. OoT FTW!
    There's more people who live in Illinois o.o;

    I surprisingly don't live in the Chicago area.
    Birthday art ideas; I know that your birthday coming up soon, and I'd like to draw something x3

    I miss that section in about me of favorite Pokémon ;;
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