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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Zora of Termina

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  • Maybe!

    Also, headbutting light bulbs. That's got to stop as well. I don't care if they think it's the sun and it disrupts their navigation. I'll give them each their own individual sat nav.
    A few years ago there was a moth standing on the exact same spot of my bedroom wall for about 48 hours straight without moving.

    When I'm the king, I'm making that shit illegal.
    They certainly seem to be, but then this is me we're talking about. I'm sure even moths have standards.
    Maybe they like to make their new kings feel massively uncomfortable as a sort of induction ritual.
    Or maybe that's just the cover story the moths are using so they can have their wicked way with me ;~;
    Remember that moth that kept trying to get in the bath with me a few weeks ago
    Well I just had another bath during which another one tried to hide in my pants Dx What do they want with me
    Do a few days' worth of missions (I believe it's somewhere between three and five days). I'm fairly sure you actually have to do missions on those days for them to count.
    I understand the pain, Actually. Same thing happened to me about... Three years ago?
    That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

    And I didn't mean now, I just meant not to let another week go by without the group doing anything.
    I'm sorry about that. But I need you to make at least one post moving them foward. I will not allow this RP to die again.

    (waits to get a verbal ass-ripping)
    My MSN's being incredibly wonky. I tried to fix it to make it let me see you online by adding and removing you, but that didn't work. So could you PM me your Yahoo address again? I might have put in the wrong one.
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