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Zora of Termina

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  • ..it's weird how I knew you would say that. Before I checked I though "She's probably gonna respond with "Yes, yes we do."

    0: ...I must use this psychic power for good, or extremely petty evil.
    ...what really

    that is fucking awesome but my wi-fi is fail so.

    Plus I've been getting really behind in training so yeah. I do want to level up a bit, so back to grinding.

    Goliath (he's my Persian. He used to be named Mike, then Ryce, but Goliath was this name of a stray cat from around here who got run over a while back. He was awesome D: And I've always like the name so.)
    ...*facepalms* Oh. Heh.

    In other news, I'm up to Archer back in SS. My Pokermans are lv 33 at best. hnnngg Houndoom >|

    Although I've managed to beat Pryce with 29ers, that was cool o:
    ...okay help me out here. I know I'm probably asking too much and all, and I'm sorry in advance but...

    Any ideas on how to improve on the below bio, though? I can think straight now (go Tang mix!) but. Kinda roadblocked on that.

    Again sorry.
    ...y'know that could actually work o:

    See, I was planning for Bongles to not really be used for battle anyway; at least not in the regular sense. His wispy state means he can possess thing rather easily, and his Ax Crazy trainer used this on his Pokémon for an edge. Unfortunately the results? Weren't pretty. Bongles is quite dim when it comes to these things, and his trainer locked him into a ball anyhows. I'm guessing he became a Gengar by another trainer observing the technique and paid Axy a huge wad of cash for that thar Bongles. Axy took the money and then broke into his house or something and took it back. Bonglby only saw the results of his posession once, and that's what got him to go.

    ...failidea y/y/n?
    Tweaking Satchel's summary and getting started on Bonglby's.

    ...I also just realized that Haunter would need to be traded to be a Genger...how would that work in PAL, though? o: If it can't, I'm find with being a Haunter but yeah.
    Today I got kicked out of walmart. For bowling, with the Twilight books as pins. And a pokeball as the bowling ball. Win. MLIA

    ...is it wrong that my first thought is "They sell Pokéballs now? Want."?

    And my partner-in-crime was jumping up and down when I let him hold it. It was amusing x3

    And when my folks fould out (actually I just told them) they were all like "They let you do that. "...yes." "Well okay then, how many watts did you get?" "*shows number*"

    ...I love my mum <3
    Today I played the Super Mario theme song as I was jogging, and as I jogged I jumped over puddles stepped on bugs, and when I found a penny, threw it up in the air so I could hit it with my head like Mario does. MLIA

    ...okay first Pokémon got me to exercise via Pokéwalker (which I brought with me to classes. I got a Kangaskhan~ :D) and now this. what is this >|
    Today, in science, we had to take a test over the universe. Question 16 was "All of the following are true about the Milky Way EXCEPT ___." The answer? B, "it is better than a Snickers" Oh, how I love my science teacher. MLIA

    x3 Science teachers /are/ awesome. I know from experience.
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