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Zora of Termina

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  • Sup! Typh won't be here much of today, since a while back I won this writing thing and I hafta go over there for some ceremony and won't be back till prolly eight and then homework.

    hng i feel so left behind ;A;
    I was gonna copy pasta. I'm kinda on the phone pfrffft.

    Name: Satchel “Satchie Boy” Taylor

    Age: 36

    Type of Pokemon: Nidoking

    Gender: Dude by Default

    Appearance: Blistered and scarred pelt, with a particularly noticeable ring-like mark around his neck. The same ring mark is around his wrists. Around the back, his purple hide fades out into a milkier purple color; this happens to be a burn scar. Satchel’s face is scaly and looks worn, with sunken eye sockets. He has a metallic sheen to him, and his claws are pure metal.

    Personality: Stoic to the point of being almost unnerving, it’s rare when anything sets him off. This ‘anything’ is usually children getting injured since back when he was a wild Pokémon, he sired many kits (cubs? wtf are nidos anyhow)

    Bio: (Who are you, where are you from, why have you joined us. etc)

    Other: (Little things that couldn't fit in the other parts)
    *hides, peeks up again then hides* Sorry! D: Hey maybe I have nuts-*shot* Well the trans jokes don't help much, really. I know that's not what you were getting at with that, just. Apperently slightly hairy girl = trans cause she's a lesbo. What.

    I will have ri-donk-ulous fun rping Lassie and Al. Mainly cause I am a massive Psych and FMA nerd hurdy hurr.

    Expect drawings of this. Many, many many drawings. For real this time~!
    Woohoo~! o:

    ...I know. I-I just..ahaha. And the first guy stick inside? He's all "*raises gun to shoot himself out* ...*remebers that it's WRONG and BAD to kill a citizen* ...whimper :c"
    And Stach has a burn scar (I acutally settled on nidoking before noticing fmc chose Cid too, but that's okay, right?) on his back. Actually aside from the ones on his neck and wrist from being chained up and a few on his stomach from several battles and that burn, he's sorta well-kept.

    Although mention them in a negative sense and she will castrate you. She's 5'1, fifteen and weights around 96 pounds. Therefore, amusing if she ever carries out on it. x3 She usually ridea around on Al -or in Al. Sometimes she gets panicky and psuhes people in there. And since Al only lets women and cats in there, sometimes a dude gets pushed in. "B-But it's uncomfortable having a man inside of me! D8"

    ...oh god I just noticed how wrong that sounded I am so sorry
    I have a character ready - I'm just working on the image ATM since I lost his old sprites. He did need revamping, though.
    ...my god that's amazing. I'm mentally planning what Satchel and Bonglby (yes that's his name) would look like (satch is fulla scars, and Bongl's all wispy and falling apartish) and drawing that OC from the crazyass crossover thing.

    ...the mad scientist OC has pigtails 8D
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