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Zora of Termina

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  • I know. I headdesked. Then laughed. Then headdesked some more.

    George? ..as a last nam*shot*

    ALSO. For that anti-drug (in our case anti smoking) I get to wear my sex-ay hat~ I'm ridiculously happy. AND AND AND i get to write a bit of my own script and act with my rl buddy, adorible beam shooter (you may or may nor see him as cute, but ffff if you met him) and partner in crime Ace (real name [DATA EXPUNGED])
    ffff i feckin' hate Morty and his Gengar :l Ironically it totally gave me an idea for a second chara; annoying and subject to at least a little Psychic ability. Not enough to read minds but yeah. Writing profiles as we speak~
    *squirms away*

    ..okay fine >| Hurr, I'm making two charas, one Nidoking and one...hmm. Haven't decided yet, but it's either a Girfarig (I really want an annoying psychic for some reason :D), a normal type (losing the psychic mind reading and alla that) or another Psychic type (hnnng need one with good movepool...by the by, when it comes to movepools, exactly /how much/ do they know?)
    Maybe it's because you're all awesome but I can't stop posting >w< And I'm writing my profile on the side (hurk idgit I should be doing that first hnnng) and uh well. lol legal spam:

    For breakfast? Well I had classes today so just a quick two boiled eggs, three waffles, cup and a half of tea, and a sandwich (I distinctly remember ham and cheese) on the side.

    ...I get up early and I get hungry :nyoron: This is why blood tests frighten me; 118 pounds and 5'4 is pretty decent and all but then again aw fuck the cholesterol. I probably should be dead cause no exercise + vacumm stomach = metabolism can't fix that can it :|
    It's always annoying 11-13-year-olds. :| And even I don't have one. :/ have you ever seen godzilla898? He's playing the Safari Zone without an account. o.O His Pokemon are in his sig. :|

    I mean, I don't flaunt my ADHD. :/
    That guy pissed me off from the beginning, what with his scroll-down sig and the flaunting of his OCD.
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