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Zora of Termina

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  • As a matter of fact, I do. In fact, I posted on Moony's wall yesterday.

    It was late, but it was fashionably late.
    I joined!

    One thing I'd like you to do though; can you check it went through? My browser was all 'OPP SHE'S HAVING FUN LET'S HIT THE JACKAL SWITCH' and went boop on me. alsowhenyoureadtheemailadressdon'tlaughiwastendamnit

    That being said, I'm plotting already~ 8D
    ..! That one! Aw fffff I saw that a few times and was all ;w; pretty layout is pretty but I didn't know what it was for and and. Is it all canines/felines, or can we...?

    Yes ma'mm, jesus, ma'am~!
    Ah, I see.

    I'll do it as soon as humanely possible~ And by that I mean when I'm not juggling two marking peroid assignments and crap-inducing exams. I don't get worried bout these things though, so I think I'll do okay. Link to sign-up thread, plz? o:

    I know~ Typh's not the best actress, but damnit I'll try. And I say that bout a lotta things and sicne I'm usually all 'must do to best of ability! mus learn must try once rawr' this apperently makes me, at the veyr least, decent in sutff I do. That's gotta count for something o:
    :/ That isn't how you're supposed to do it. Big rp or not, there's limits on how much a DM can do stuff. Rejecting charaters if they make no sense and one-shot everything is fine, but not even giving something a chance to try something and the strict rules and...that may be a bit too far.

    a whole for-woow o: I'll join that one day, maybe. Typh has standardized testing soon, so I'm not too sure (I get at least proficient on everything but it makes me shit my pants everytime)

    Dinner! Woo-hoo~!

    Oh! and Typhclass is gonna make a sort-video for comm. service. I might be in thar, sos you can see it since we have (of all thing) a wiki page on a school-pedia
    D: That's...damn. Sorry about that. You have a point there; hell even in an unsrs mass-crossover, I still want people to develop to their heart's content on these things. Just try and not make it way too OOC. Other then that though, gogo crazytimes (and even thexytimes! *shot*)

    c: Okay that's awesome. I see you and Dwaggles and FMC and Moony are making an open-box thingy, too~ Looks very nice.
    Butbut don't you have to do the Rack Shackle Pack? D: I don't really read it on a daily basis or anything but I remember you and FMC being in it.

    Seriously though, you guys are awesome and I <3 each and every one of you~ Like I said, I've never really written a *good* RP. Stories? Maybe. RP? hurdy harr.
    Yes, yes it is. Especially since me and another convinced member are plotting on the whole genderbent thing (mainly since we'll be playing different characters from the same show, and hurdy durr Ho Yay.) and I plan todraw a map with thewse things and and and

    ...I really hope it don't die D:
    S'pretty okauy~ You can even do Electro!Zora. Do note you'll be living in the ripoff City from the start (as will be Cortz(Original Character). It's a last name.) so you;ll haver your own house/bunk/treehouse/whatever.
    Haha, not a problem~ You have until summer anyhows- considering one of the people I've also rallied up doesn't really post till summer and that I'll have moar free time, we'll be good.

    Although it's very amusing to be albe to play a trigger-happy cop guy, and mad scientist oc, and a metal suit of armor that kinda mothers them both on occasion. x3
    ...what really that's just---

    who you playin'? FMC's co-modding, and Blazhy and uh well Typh. I'm playing an OC, Alphonse Elric and ...damnit why do I fail with Wiki pages. Wikipedia Carlton Lassiter. o:
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