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Zora of Termina

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  • Last night I was staying over at my boyfriend's house. At around 10:00 he looks over to me, and says rather sugestively: "Want to do it now?" I nod, and we proceed to go into his backyard and have an epic lightsaber battle. MLIA.

    *insert joke about 'crossed swords' here*

    ...(giggles immaturely)
    Today, I went the zoo with my mother and my sister. It was nearly closing time and we were the only people at the lion exhibit. I looked up at a rock on which was perched the lion patriarch. All of the other lions were sitting on the ground nearby. I looked at a cub and said, "I bet you just can't wait to be king." He looked up at me and smiled. I nearly had a heart attack. MLIA.

    ...and then "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" came on the TV, I'm serious o:

    Today, my friends and I went to see New Moon. I had read an MLIA about someone who had went to see it, and someone else had shouted 'Cedric Diggory lives! I must go tell Dumbledore!'. I decided to try this. When Edward appeared on the screen, I shouted 'Cedric Diggory lives!'. Before I could say anymore, one of my friends stood up and said 'We must go tell Dumbledore!' We both ran out. I love her. MLIA

    She's a sweet little thing. She's pretty aloop towards Baxter in a 'uh okay i totallydidn't get attacked by those stray cats stop growling at them >|" kinda way, but she does that kneading when happy thing a lot. And Baxter's actually pretty smart. I've never really bothered to teach him tricks aside from the 'go fetch me newspaper plz :>' kinda thing. He gets along with Coco (she's the dong of my partner-in-crime Christabell (okay Chris but I call him Christabell a lot x3)) easily.

    :D! I remember hearing bout Furball in the pets thread back at PAL.

    Puttting down kitties and doggies (and bunnnies too. I was normally indifferent towards them, but my science teacher has a bunny named Gabby. She's in a glass aquarium-like cage and has Wolverineish claws o:) makes a Typh b'aww. Actually, in reality Typh is a big old softie. I know ~shocking~
    Kitty o: People are surprised when they walk to the park. Since my house is like a block away they usually walk in front of it and sometimes see me either calling for 'Fruity' or sitting on the steps stroking her with a massive grin on my face. Baxter too. And they go all 'wtf is that typh no it cannot be.'

    I know aww. They stroked her and all, and Zoe's dying was pretty dignified. At least she went down happy. I remember Kai used to have two cats and one had to be put down recently. And I also know it'll eventually happen to Fruity too. I've had Baxter for around 10 years since we didn't get him as a puppy or anything (he's a very teeny dog; a Jack Russel. They live for a long time.) Fruity's been arounf for around three and she had a litter of kitties last year. so uh yeah I can relate to this stuff ; ;
    I went outside to get her; and now she's in my lap. Fruity's an outside cat, she knows the streets well. There's a chance one day she'll just go and not come home and xstuff, but at least she won't get run over by a car if that happens. not likely though; she has babies around here.

    Seriously, things like this make me b'awww really hard. Zoe (the cat) was shared by two families and she went blind cause of the cancer and they brought in a vet. They ended up cremating her.

    ..I'm actually not crying. Yet. S'a...delayed reaction ; ;

    "I kept saying to myself: but she's a cat! You are flying 2000 miles to see a cat!

    And then trying not to cry.

    My best friend Jason put it this way:

    If a friend of yours was dying, you would go to her side and be there for her...

    ...and your friend just happens to be a cat.

    And he's right."

    ...oh damnit where is my fruitpool ;-; I need to pet her.
    I know! D: I mean if it was a head or nose kiss, it would be find (hell I do it all the time with my dog. I'll be like "Baxter! HERE BOY HERE *slaps thighs* and he ambles over, since he's a 12-year old dog and tiny. He droops his head on my knees every time and I pick him upp and kiss his nose. Dog noses are wet C:) but this implied 'making out' or ...well 'omnomnom' kiss auuughh
    not like i'm actually going to read it.

    But I cried when I found out that somepne will actually make out with a dog that looks like a twiwolf.

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