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Zora of Termina

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  • It's fairly obvious that I am

    Anyway I installed it and put my thing on my profile go add me and make sable add me and stuff
    Making a new one presents me with the same problem

    (remove her lungs/vocal cords/tongue/other things used for producing speech)
    She's not giving me a whole lot of incentive, to be honest.

    Also I've changed e-mail address over the past year and fuck knows what the password to my old one was so I have to re-add you all again why is this so hard
    I'm guessing I'm going to have to install MSN and shit so I can reprimand her for this unacceptable behaviour myself aren't I
    you bet your sweet bippy we do, max fightmaster

    But if she kills me I'll be gone literally forever IS THAT WHAT SHE WANTS
    but i want it now

    Tell her I'll scare her whenever I want, she's not my real mum
    Oh come now when has my participation ever improved anything
    I am going to miss ASB :c

    Also what congratulations :D Also SABLE does she still come here or
    I-I don't even know D: I just stopped being here all of a sudden and then continued to not be here for idiotic reasons.
    Ohai Zora it's Meowth what's up

    Don't be silly of course I haven't been gone a whole year that's crazy talk
    ... I know we've like never talked and I feel like you would be scary because some reason but umum

    ... I like your artwork ^w^
    "We apologize again for the long day phase and the angry employee. Those responsible for sacking the people who have just been sacked, have been sacked."

    ahhaha, bulbagarden tweeted something like that about a month back. i am laughing now.
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