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  • Well, why not? But the only thing I can really make is artworks for the Fakemon, which won't be so hih quality. I would be willingto help, but I suck when ti comes to codes.
    1) First of all, something funny happened- my small brother is watching a movie called 'lars the white bear'. Lol.

    2) Ohwell....

    3) Yep. That's just natural.

    4) Not a lot, but quite much to carry for a 14 year old(my friend).

    5) Dunno, soem details please.
    Lol. Your funny.

    Anyway, Im willing to share a bulbasaur, but only as long as you won't share it with anyone else.

    Second, I meant, you wrote some mocks, right? So show me links to them.

    Third, yay!

    So, to the first question: Because he is a gangsta(kinda). He goes around with the 'cool' guys(these that have a future as gangsters), drinks a little whisky(he's 13), loads of champagner(or how it's called), and goes around stealing stuff from 'super'markts. They also throw around explosive stuff that makes a lot of noise. And he keeps being an asshole. Oh and he says stupid things in class WHILE the teacher is talking.

    P.S. He's not in my class and luckily my best friend is an extremly tall, and, erm, wide guy that can lift me without too much problems. And I weight 40 Kg.
    uh....u kno im not good with technical stuff...

    i just updated my myspace page for the first time (ive had it for 2 years)
    Heh heh, thanks you very much for the support. =DDDDDDDD

    I believe it is possible, although I have no clue how that would work *Has never sent anything over via Internet*
    Lol. It's a rather heavy german accent.

    And I still think you sound vaguely like my former friend who I now hate to the blood.

    P.S. You wantz Buulbwasur?

    And another something- could I see your novice referee mocks?
    You could use some critique.
    Im fine, busy with homework and reffings.

    And by the way- want to voicechat and trade again now?
    I've got a buulbwasur!(bulbasaur)
    The atmosphere. xD

    Anyway, you know that hat design contest I'm helping my friend win? Well, I'm joining it as well with these two entries: Om nom and Buizel. Right now, I'm creating a third entry, and despite there being multiple entries, the Buizel hat is practically the only hat I want to win. ^0^

    Also, I'm starting to get off my lazy butt and open up the "My Japanese Coach" ROM that I got for my DS flash cart so I can finally learn Japanese!

    And lastly, I'm also playing the new LoZ game for the DS. :3

    ...And there you have it.
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