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  • I did it like... a week ago with my dad. I immediately fell down to the ground, tried getting up, and fell down again. It's weird because when I did it at school, my body would just start walking away and I'd be like, "Someone! Stop my body! D:"

    Fast metabolism? :D No problem, we'll just become cops because at Cafe Diem, food is free for cops. :DDD

    ... Cute! :DD I want to watch it even more now.

    Yeah, you'd need like 9 or 10 extra hands. It would be crazy if someone -could- actually play that, but I doubt it's possible. x3
    *notes that down* Or drunk stargazing, which would be like 10 times worse than regular stargazing. Like when you look up at the night sky and spin around as many times as possible and when you stop, someone flashes a light into your eyes and you get insanely dizzy. Then your body is out of control and, depending on the way you react, you could just fall straight down or start walking away without being able to control yourself. It's kinda fun. C:

    Yay! I'll go with you! :DD

    Eeeee~ I want to watch it how. :D Haha... it's funny how he looks the same. :3

    Rock mix? Sounds like win.
    Good idea. :DD

    Why no SyFy channel? D: It's like the best one out there including the Discovery channel. x3

    Cafe Diem is a popular cafe in Eureka. :D Basically they have no menus, but whatever you want, they have. It's awesome. xD

    Dead Poet's Society? Sounds familiar, but I don't think I've seen it. Robert Sean Leonard is in it? <3

    The second one blew me away. it was amazing.
    Mmmmmm~ :D

    Hahahaha. They'd probably just fall over, no? xD

    It's great, blood everywhere, brains and stuff. Yeah, Sylar's a badass villain with his "cutting open people's heads" thing he does. :] ... That sounded like I'm a masochist or something... :(

    And yes, that Eureka. <3 It is full of awesomeness, like Cafe Diem~ <333 I want a cafe named that. :D

    wow... that was amazing. ^o.o^ words cannot describe how awesome that was.
    I draw a very rough sketch on the first page, erase the copy on the second, and use the copy tool to easily flip through pages, drawing a little bit more than what's on the previous page. I also copy the first sketch and insert it occasionally, whenever the trace runs out.
    That's so cool! I really want to be able to draw manga for a living when I'm older, but I still need loads of practice if I'm ever going to do that @_@;;
    I guess there's a balance- I like to make my drawings cute and cartoony, but I try to make them really detailed too x3 Though sometimes I just want to draw something quick and doodle-like >.>;; I guess it just depends on your mood x3

    and it's random, but... recently I've been able to draw my characters really consistently x3 Especially the faces o.o;
    Nya ><;; It must be really tough... but maybe it would be too easy to just draw a lil doodle each day...
    Heehee x3 I can't wait to see the episode on New Years~!! >w< I've waited this long... so I can wait a lil longer... @_@;;

    I think Black Hood has told me about the ArtMo thing~ sounds fun but tricky^^
    I really love the Dalek x3 I'm a big doctor who fan o.o;;;
    I tried to draw a Dalek once... >.<;
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