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  • I've planned a huge Ossers group pic, and it's looking awesome, but... I don't know if I can draw it or not. It's a lot, 16 people in one scene, along with my lack of decent people drawing skills.
    I was thinking about showing someone my sketches so far and seeing if they think that they could draw it, but that seems a little dishonest. What do you think?

    Uh-huh. She said that my parents are taking a vacation. I stressed them out (which I already knew) and they needed some time away from it all. I think I'll believe her for now, I mean she's pretty much my current legal guirdian. :D

    Oh, and happy 2010! They say this is the year asteroids will rain from the heavans causing enormouse damage where they land! :DD

    (Yay Finnish! :D Well, damnit, there's no way I can change the nickname now xD I'll put that in my profile right away. Direct quote mwahahaha)
    Haha. Whenever anyone said diabetes at school, I'd be like "diabeetuuuuuuuuuuussssss". xD It was amusing.

    Is that what we're calling the 00's? The "zeros"? What about this decade? o:

    It's okay, it's still loved... by me. <3 Since it's not 2010 yet... :]

    Too many mutha'uckers~ :D
    I know how to do this dance, except for the part where he's in the warehouse. I'm still learning it. I want to reinact it someday. C:
    Ouch. x.x

    Haha. Whenever someone says "diabetes" I think of that commercial with that guy and he always says "die-ah-beet-us" xD But AGREED!

    Hahahahahaha! That's awesome. In an odd way. But it's still awesome.

    Hey what's it like being like 4 hours into the future? How is next year? :D Last year's doing pretty good. Poor thing will be over with in a few hours. D:
    A teddy bear? I'm very interested in this story now... x3

    I have a new scar as of last night. I went to spend the night at a friend's house and we decided to burn all the paper and stuff, and when I went to flick the lighter with my thumb, I somehow burnt it and dropped the lighter to the ground. Now I have a burn mark on my thumb that looks like "| |" and we had to use the light from our cell phones to find the lighter. :3 It was fun, but it hurt. D:

    *takes out gun from under her bed* Ohhhh yes, yes it can. >:D

    And then kill it with fire? :D I'm sorry, I'm a big pyro.
    Don't you mean panic like it's 1999? Because of Y2K and all? ;P Just kidding~

    Yeeeeeaaaah~ I'm going to see if my mom and I will make mojitos. Yum. <3 And then we're going to sit down and eat pizza and watch the Proposal like total girls. xD

    Paaaaaarty~! :D
    Yay! :D But I had to have Bubbie stop me because my body was going to crash into the wall. D: I actually once did crash into the wall and hit my head. xDD

    And a tie, yes. :D Then we can go to the shooting range and take our frustrations out on the targets.

    ... He doesn't die, does he? DD: I would cry if he died. ;-;

    YES. Well, first we'd have to find a pretty damn big spider- *shot*
    Meh, I probably won't be on at midnight/tomorrow, so I figured why not just say it now? =P

    No, really, ask everyone at my school. They'll say the same thing.

    Also, while you were wetting yourself and cowering in fear, I just kicked some serious ass in Tekken 5 with a panda dressed in a party hat, bunny slippers, a stick of bamboo, and star-shaped glasses. :D
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