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  • Boredom is a cruel, cruel thing. I do most crazy things out of boredom. Like acting like a drunken hobo who can't stop laughing. Yeah. xD

    I know~ <3333

    ha. you're at the Elite Four? I think I'm still back in Hearthome. :P You can do eet~

    Me and Leafpool we saying, we should let him come back and let him only post in Srs Discussion and see what happens :D

    also are you still playing iwbtg how are you getting on i'm stuck as hell
    ... Yeah. Ugh. Dx And worse thing is, I've read it twice. Twice. Because I was bored in class. >:

    Platinum? Ooh. I need to play mine. I haven't in a looooooong time. I blame Phoenix Wright for being so damn addictive. <3
    Although there was this one story on High Octane Nightmare Fuel on TV Tropes about acid. Ugh... Dx

    Isn't it great? :D

    ... Doodling? YAY! :DDDD
    Haha. No. I've just never seen the aftermath of acid in real life. I hope I never do. Dx

    Awwwwwww! Poor. D: I have school on the 10th. I kinda don't want the break to go, because hanging around drinking coffee in your pajamas all day is sooooo orgasmic. <3
    Oh that's good. I've seen movies of what happens when people get acid on them. Ughhh...

    Awwwww... Did you take anything for it? D:
    I'm fine. C:

    And nope, not sulphuric acid. Just some slow acting acid. Scary as fuck, though. I was in a car when it spilt and went on my leg, and my mom just stopped the car. I was just like, "What do I do?!" No answer. "What do I do?!" No answer again. "What THE HELL DO I DO?!" And then they were like "Get OUT of the car!"

    I ran around like a chicken with its head cut off. xD They were like "GO FIND WATER! NOW!" I went to the ditch, didn't find water. "Mom! There's no water! *looks around* SNOW!" Then I grabbed a chunk of snow and started rubbing it on my leg so it would melt and water would wash it away.

    Hopefully my pants don't have a huge hole in it though. >:

    Aaaaand, I'm watching Rent Filmed Live on Broadway~ <333 I loooove it so far. Angel~ <33

    I think so. I can't remember, but I thought the same thing when I first saw it. :]

    ... xD I love TV Tropes
    Fire's pretty cool, but it can be difficult to create as you need fuel, heat and oxygen and why are we having this conversation again?
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