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  • xDDD At least it's better than Little Miss Acid. >-> Yeah, one of my friends called me that after they heard about my little acid accident. xD

    My cannoliiiiii~ I must make soon. Like today or something. And yes! I love being spammed with awesome links! :D Like the Doctor one, that was amazing.

    It's pretty cool, yup yup. =]
    Kaiface. It's cute. CX

    ... I don't think any of that sunk through into my head. D:

    GCSE is an abbrieviation of General Certificate of Secondary Eductation. They're national awards obtained through examination.
    English Language, English Literature, Maths, Science, Humanities and Citizenship (unsure of that last one) are compulsary, but you get to choose three optional GCSEs too. I ended up choosing Art, Music and Media. Looking back I aught to have taken Additional Science instead of Art.
    Grades between F and D are coonsidered level 1 qualifications, while grades between C and A* (A star) are considered level two. qualifications go up to level 8, whis is a post-honourary degree at University. Understand?

    Ah right. It can't be in the trailer because I've seen that. Have you?
    Eeeeee! Fire~ And Typh! :DDD

    It's like... omg a spoon. xD Wow... ADD much there?

    You are very pretty Typh. I am jealous. D:
    Hahahaha. xD

    :DDDD Burning lemons sound pretty awesome. Like just as awesome as exploding a potato in the microwave. Haha. Yay! I would love to see! :D *whines* I have to leave soon. >:

    That's Little Miss Peanut. Just kiddding. ;]

    Really? I thought that was against the law or something? I dunno. I just know that if you light fireworks off in the cities/towns here, you get in trouble here. That's the beauty of living in the middle of nowhere, you can light off as many fireworks as you want. ;D
    Why thank you. I think it's more awesome now though. :D

    Fire + Typh = Win :DDDDD

    Woot. I has a monocle. *puts it on* >:D

    Agreed. Maybe I should wait until it's dark though. xD That would make more sense.
    :3 You've made me feel a bit better at least.

    Do explain this quiz more, I'm slightly puzzled.

    So what's the equivalent of GCSEs in America? The final exams before compulsary education is over?

    wait wait wait when was that? XD
    Yes, yes you can- *knifed*

    Yes. :DDD Now we need a monocle. >:D

    Me too. C: Hmmm... I should go light off fireworks for no reason. :D
    Thanks, Typh.

    That's good to hear. My English mock exam today went really well, I think. It's planned out well and I included everything I wanted, with a few minutes spare at the end to re-read through what I'd written.

    It's a yay, just as long as he keeps the violence comic.
    Very awesome. *killed again*

    What about your cane? :D

    Eeeeee~ Mythbusters~ <3333 Explosions! Even more <3. C:
    Ummm... it's either Me and my skinny jeans or Me and my heart necklace that I wear 24/7. xDD Or Me and my hair. *killed* xD

    YES! Let us be badass! :DDD

    Pavi and his facemask? Amber and Zydrate? xD Gus and his work phone? :D?

    Lassie's TARDIS would be his gun. :D Oh god, now I'm going to go through every character I know of in my mind and see what their TARDIS would be. >->

    Hell yeah that was the best speech ever! xDDD
    Omg! Hahahahahaha! I like that idea. xD

    Hahaha. Which doctor is it in this crossover? C:

    xDDDDD This was amusing~ I lol'd hard when I saw House. xD And Obama.
    It just played on shuffle.
    And Ievan Polkka is on now.

    It's like my iPod is trying to cheer me up in it's own way.
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