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  • I don't know. Hopefully soon, this beard is driving me crazy. D:<

    I know. It would... ow ow ow... Dx Ugh it'd be painful. Could you imagine the beak sprouting from your face? Ouch!
    My name's Joshua, actually. I just filmed the shenanigans and came up with some jokes.

    The Ood was fun to make.
    Haha. It's totally okay. C:

    And become some feathery tick-infested bird? I'll stick with opposible thumbs, thanks. Even though the beard isn't really appealing to me.
    Oh, okay. I was really confused there for a second. xD

    What the hell? What's going on? D:<
    Oh wait... You get homework over the break don't you? Ahh... that's totally different from me because when I get back to school I have all new classes. Yay, Welding~ :D

    Pirate? I can't be a pirate.

    What? W-Where's my gun? I only have a sword. Spencer! What did you do with my gun?! D:<
    Ahh... When did school start for you? D:

    Yes, Spencer. I very much so have a craving for limes. D:<

    ... Actually, I have a craving for rum... That's new. D:
    Though so. I've seen a copy of Pokemon Emerald being thrown at a frozen pond just to try and break the ice.
    Surprisingly, It made a dent and bounced off, still in one piece. I don't know what hapenned to it after that but I assume someone took it home with them.

    Yeah, probably. C:

    I don't want you on my shoulder with your squawking! D:<
    wait, you'd trust everyone with your platinum? Bad idea. Just bring it with you in case anyone else has a pokemon game and let the rest use download play with MarioKart.

    I'll go fetch it.
    It's in ummm... There's Something About Mira. C: I have to rewind and play it a couple times over because it's just... adorable. :D

    ... Ha. >:D

    ... Why do I have a beard and have an eyepatch on?
    Yeah, that is cool I guess. Which games?

    BTW, Would you like tob see something I helped film for a friend? It's a christmas special of his modern day, no budget, Robin Hood spoof series, based very loosely around that of the Doctor Who special.

    VERY loosely.

    Oh wow. That sorta reminds me of the time Lassie drank scalding hot coffee because he was mad at Jules. xD Ahhh good times, good times~

    Yeah. Now I would be proud if on my death certificate it said "Death by melting flaming spoon." Just kidding. xD

    xD Yes, and they sing each other asleep sometimes.

    Haha! And Gus would be part of his defence team. :D And Lassie would be a prosecutor. And and Chief would be the Judge. It's perfect!

    Shawnie want a cracker? :D
    Just the name is cute. And thanks~

    Oh right. I think I get it now. c:

    ...Wow. C:

    Yeah, I thought that. Search for it in the youtube.
    Flaming spoon of death! :D I like the way you think.

    Dx Ow. Mine are just like, "Yup. I'm here. What now? You're not gonna stop me! >:|"

    Hahaha. Shawn Spencer: Ace Attorney. xD

    Yeah. I don't think he'd like that too much. xD Hey! Shawn could be his talking parrot. :DD
    AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Omg... I totally remember that episode. <3

    Oh yes, definite win. :D

    Ahoy Lassies? :D?
    That reminds me of when we would burn the plasticware at the Christmas dinner at school. Literal fire spoon. :D

    I hate the ones that are like "fdjafdasfkjdsa PAINFUL". Dx Actually, it's not that bad, but yeah. xD
    Haha. You figured me out. :c Nah, I'm just on crack... *shotshot*

    Cannoli ahoy! :D

    Haha. I enjoy the last one. Shawn has no fourth wall. It's so true. :D
    Spoons are still cool though! :D Especially with fire~

    I have the same problem. Pimply skin = Ugh. But you are pretty. :] Ooh! Your hat AND flame cane. :DDD
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