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  • Not child blocks, really, just... An incident from two years ago.

    It's such a cute dance, no matter how many times people do it, it doesn't get boring x3 I know the dance, haha... @_@;; I sometimes imagine some of my friends doing it... they're guys... xD

    I would want to make a version of it... but it sounds really complicated; wouldn't you need flash or something? @_@;;

    By the way, my new art thread is up, check it out if you have a spare moment^^*
    O_O *gasps* FMAxLucky Star... s-so kawaii... that must have taken ages to make...

    I watched a video like that earlier but it was Decepticons doing the dance x3
    I love transformers ;w;
    ... Yeah that's really bad I'm sorry for you Typh. :,c

    Hooray! If I'm luck and it snows tonight then it's another day off, but it hasn't been forecasted and it has to be drastic. Still, hopes up!
    ... Yeah that's really bad I'm sorry for you Typh. :,c

    Hooray! If I'm luck and it snows tonight then it's another day off, but it hasn't been forecasted and it has to be drastic. Still, hopes up!
    Ouch, nasty. Is your whole family plagued with a bad medical history (No offence)?

    Still, at least you got the day off, right? Look at it that way, rather than the unpleasentness.
    Ah, it didn't snow again. But the roads froze over, meaning I have another snow day. :D

    That sounds good. I hope you enjoy it.
    ..And TeaCod needs to stop failing utterly fffffff :V
    Teehee Pimpshire <:
    And nuuuu KEEP GOING I DEMAND IT :V or politely request that too
    ...IN YER SKULL?!

    ..............Sorry >: But our battle is pretty creepy with all this ghost lovin' goin' down. Cheshire is straight pimpin' *SHOT*
    ...Also we haven't talked in awhile. Also we need to prod Mike more to get more drawin' done. ALSO WHY HAVEN'T I USED MY MAGIC PEN YET? SO MANY QUESTION.



    I A M H A P P Y
    Ummmm... we... I haven't thought that far ahead. D:

    I'm not going to go into details, but I will say this. Me + Decapitation = DO NOT WANT. EVER.
    ...there are different kinds of clipboard? wow.

    I should be geting some sleep. You know, exam tomorrow and all that jazz?
    Well, I don't think I can yet, the idea is still in the decision stage, so I'm going to see Ben tomorrow and tell him my ideas.

    I can leak that it involves clipboards.
    Thanks.And I'll probably end up calling you Typh too.

    eeeee I have some amazing ideas for aa future episode. It's gonna be amazing, it can't wait for it to heat up so we can make it.
    ... As much as I don't want to admit it, we have to help you get back somehow. D:

    Ugh, dunno why but that reminds me of my dream last night. Ugh, gruesome. Dx
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