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    Thanks :3 It'd probably be half as awesome without my awesome editors, though. They're awesome.
    Yeah then submit gogogo

    ...D: Well think of the fans you'll get if you doodle more...? And hey, you'll finish it eventually, right? You know, I still have this request sitting there from over a year ago OTL

    On another note yay you read my story thing yet :D
    Yeah, especially if the club you submit to is well-known. I submitted my Okami picture to a well-known Okami club and I got a few new watchers and yeah.
    I love COOL&CREATE!!! O_O;;; Especially Help me, EIRINNNNNN!! and Yet Another "drizzly rain". And I haven't heard that remix before, but it's really good o.o;; however, I have heard this one~!
    She wasn't U.N.Owen? by IOSYS
    Ouch indeed D:

    I'm considering de-watching one of the clubs to lessen the flow, but... Well, then I'd probably miss out on some really good art and yeah. Though I will check your page every so often. Or you could give me a link when you're done :D
    Yeah, it got partially frostbitten last year. So it's abnormally colooured (not by too much though) and very sensitive. I kept it warm until now, 'cuz I thought it healed, but looks like it didn't D:

    Yay, you go ahead and do that :3 Though uh it's like due on Monday and I'll probably upload it on Sunday heh.

    A'ight, sure :3 Though nowadays I usually just clear my dA inbox 'cuz I'm getting too many deviations from clubs and stuff.
    We took John Simm's Master as inspiration for one of our scenes in the Outlaw Spoof christmas special. Where he says "So you found out". That was so funny, we had to do about three takes because we kept laughing.
    I love dresses x3 I might make more piccies like that soon~ I tried a froslass one earlier, but it failed... I may return to it sometime though.

    I have the game version of Lunar Clock ~ Lunar Dial; it's awesome >w< one of my favourites is U.N.Owen was her? (been remixed SO many times xD) and another is Paradise ~ Deep Mountain from Perfect Cherry Blossom :3 I have the soundtracks from Perfect Cherry Blossom and Imperishable Night, and countless Doujin albums x3
    :D You're lucky you actually get snow. We just get yucky slush and stuff. Pah. Makes my feet cold - my frostbitten toe is acting up again.

    :0 Hopefully it meets your expectations. I need it for this arts program application and if it's not good enough I'm screwed OTL

    "Guns make you dumb. If at all possible, fight your wars with duct tape. Duct tape makes you smart." Haha epic xD This is going to be good, I can tell. Be sure to show me when you're done~

    Blazhy shall protect you with ninjatoes >:0
    Haha! That's awesome xD I love the pose and expression!

    Touhou is amazing~ especially the music <3

    Mismagius Witch looks like Marisa O_O;;;
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