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  • :D that's great! I prolly aught to do something OS related soon too. Eheh...

    I GOT THE CYANIDE AND HAPPINESS BOOK: I'm giving you the finger! :D
    Gun Seller? :0 That a book? What's it about?

    LOL Yes, really. The expression and pose is like o.o ...I just felt the urge to reply to this comment so I has no critique yet, but blah I'll do it Tuesday.
    Hey, you know you're actually not that bad. You have humour in your writing, at least, which isn't something very common. The moon made of cheese thing made me grin :) I think your problem is that in your struggle to for "Descripationnn", you kinda make sentences too long and confusing to read, such as the 'psychopath with a hose' sentence. It would've been fine if you left it at "...a trouble child enjoys squirting water on little ants." Occasionally you may switch tenses, though it's not noticeable (had to read it over twice or so) and sometimes you misplace phrases, but overall it's really not that bad.

    AND OH GOD I jumped in my chair when I clicked that link. I love that concept, what with Gengar being a trickster and whatnot (or was that Haunter? No matter). But I has no tiem so I cannot critique OTL Unless you really want me to, in which case I'll probably have time on Tuesday.
    Both is fine~ Though I can't guarantee I'll have enough time to actually look through them both and stuff OTL

    Bahh and I can't find the Gengar D:
    Today, I went to Wal-mart.

    I saw something horrible.

    Uh, it just comes naturally, I guess. OTL As long as I'm inspired and I have ideas (which is almost never), I can write a ton. I love using big words, too, but I use them more in everyday conversations than actual writing... OTL

    Can you show me, at least? It's not as bad as you think it is, most likely :P
    And aaa I'm scary :0 Bah, don't worry if you screw anything up! I'm honoured to have people draw my characters, really. I won't be angry or anything (but with those ninjatoes I can see why you're afraid).

    So that you can get moar fans of course! 8D
    And ooo, I know that~ I've seen it all over the place, but I've never been able to work up the guts to draw a hyuumin Pogeymanz. Show me :D

    When that happens, I like to drink tea. Except that I drank too much and now we're outta hot water D:
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