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  • We've been getting cold days for a week now, and they say it's likely to last a few more ._. And it's not snowing a lot, either, so I can't chuck snowballs or anything. Whryyyy
    Pretty? How so? :0

    Ah, I was lacking in ideas, so I got my friend to draw some stuff out of her idea bag and well, I got the word 'fear'. So yeah, I wrote about fear :D It's nearly done, just in the last stage of proofreading.
    Sounds fun :D What's it about?
    :D Congrats! See, good things come from doodliing. Go doodle more! You'll get more fans!

    Anyway, maybe she'll remember you. Who knows.

    Been fine over here. Though this is the worst time of year - assignments galore, close to exams, and to top it off it's cold OTL But I'm faring fine. I've been writing a story :D Almost done~ I might post it in the writing section when I'm done.
    If you like how you draw, then keep drawing that way; they're your drawings after all, so don't let anyone stop you from drawing how you want^^

    It's no fun getting stuck with people who slack off ><;; There's a guy who sits next to me in art class and all he ever does is talk, talk, talk, and never does any work -__-; He's also very off-putting...
    Nya~ you'll have to show me when your piccy is finished^^ Right now I'm drawing a witch, but her outfit is styled around a Mismagius :3 She looks like a purple Marisa (a character from touhou) x3
    You can't be more right T-T;; Some people judge anime/manga style way too quickly. It's not "all the same" like a few people have complained to me in the past; there's realistic styles, chibi styles, cartoony styles, shonen and shojo styles...
    I suppose my style would be cartoony x3;; But I've tried to develop my own style over the years... I guess I've suceeded ^^;; But I don't think I've really been influenced by a particular artist's work. If I had to pick one artist though, it would be Tite Kubo who created Bleach~
    Ugh... I'm terrible at working to a schedule ><;; I draw when I feel like it xD Sometimes I draw loads, like today. Sometimes I don't, unlike today x3 I'm okies with projects, so long as I can make it fit my art style...
    Most of the other students in my art class are either: 1. Lazy bums who disrupt the class, or 2. Anime/Manga intolerant. It's tough, but a there are a few people who like what I do and don't say mean things about it ^^;;;
    Nya.... Cowboy Bebop... -w-;; I read the manga a few years ago~ It's been such a long time since I watched the anime though o.o;;

    I-I've finished another piccy already Dx It's a parody of an album cover; "More! More! More!" by Capsule, except mine is "Pika! Pika! Pika!" x3 I probbie wouldn't ever make a living as an artist, I think it would ruin the fun and relaxation I get from it...
    It does cost quite a lot to do these things ;__; Me and my boyfriend were thinknig of staying the weekend in a hotel but it's uber expensive @_@;; So we're only going for a day ><;; The travel is pretty expensive too... and there are all the awesome things they sell there... haha... I should start saving up x3

    I love the Cowboy Bebop OST O_____O;;; "I think it's time we blow this thing, get everybody and the stuff together... Ok, 3, 2, 1, let's jam" Love. It. I'm really into it- it's so different from a lot of anime OST's I have^^ The songs are great on stepmania, too x3

    Nyaw... that's a shame ><;;; I'm sure you'll get another fan soon, though :3
    I haven't seen Haruhi-Chan o.o;;;; I really should, because I know the opening song x3 More kawaiiness~<3

    It's so awesome when there's someone you're a fan of at an expo >w< I really want to go to the expos in America, because they get loadsa really great manga-ka and famous japanese singers O_O;; Luckily, the expo in London is straight after my birthday, so I'll have lotsa money to spend >:3

    It must be funny having a fan x3 I guess I don't really have "fans"... more like... people eagerly awaiting my next piece xD They might count as fans, I don't know @_@;;
    I love Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu xD Haruhi is so awesome~ But I think Koizumi is my favourite x3 When I go to the anime expo in may, I think I'll get Black Hood to dance the Hare Hare Yukai with me >:3 I'm going to cosplay Mashiro from bleach, but I think she suits the dance x3

    Oh! Was that the drawing of the girl with the rainbow background? It's cute x3
    I've already done another drawing @___@;;; Nya... I'll post it tomozzie... or something ><;; All I've done for the past few days is draw xD
    I love Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu xD Haruhi is so awesome~ But I think Koizumi is my favourite x3 When I go to the anime expo in may, I think I'll get Black Hood to dance the Hare Hare Yukai with me >:3 I'm going to cosplay Mashiro from bleach, but I think she suits the dance x3

    Oh! Was that the drawing of the girl with the rainbow background? It's cute x3
    I've already done another drawing @___@;;; Nya... I'll post it tomozzie... or something ><;; All I've done for the past few days is draw xD
    Thank you so much, Typh, for caring. I think there were two reasons for my depression; one, of course, that I though that what I was drawing wasn't good enough, but another was that although I had messaged a lot of people but hadn't got any repliess. It made me think that I was getting ignored and outdated on the places I love; tCoD and Hatena. The thought of not being cared about, that's what I think caused the depression.
    But over the past week, I've seen that's not the case at all. I have friends, good friends at that, both irl and on tCoD and Hatena. And they all care about me. It's really brought up my confidence, and I'm quite happy now, just knowing that I'm liked.

    As for my Flipnotes, I'm afraid that they aren't that special. Most of my drawing sequences are drawn from Pokemon Trading Cards, or other sources. Only half of what I do is my own work. But if that's what people like, godamnit, I'll keep on going. Because I like them too, both the finished product and the process of drawing it. I'd like to get back into traditional art sometime and hone my skills, but until I achieve Flipnote Citizen status, I need to carry on drawing Flipnotes daily. Still, only another 5 days to go. :3

    It's good to see that people (well, you at least) like my current style of drawing, so I'm going to carry on that way for a bit. I'm still learning various techniques and styles that I can apply to my work, and I suppose that that's what I like about art, experimenting.

    And that may have sounded even soppier. XD
    Heehee~ there's also another anime dance called the "Hare Hare Yukai"~ there are cute videos of other characters dancing that dance too x3 I don't think there are as many as "Motteke! Sailor Fuku!" though~

    Yay~ thankies for taking a lookie x3 I've started using digi-art in the past couple days :3
    I checked your DA again and I love the Meganium xD It's cute and funny x3
    Wait, so it's possible there's a picture of a naked woman with my head on her floating around the web?
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