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  • Wow. That makes so much sense! :DDD Haha. It IS awesome. xD

    And I agree. Very suitable. :3

    I could do that at school. xD "*thinking* Oh god, I just knocked over the pile of trays and now the whole cafeteria is bursting into applause. Hostage time!" xD
    Yeah, Cynth can be a pain.

    But what I don't get is how the champions congratulate you in the same way every time you beat them, even after a rematch.
    Ah. Well, if it can't be helped, it can't be helped. And it won't net you in trouble, by the sounds of it.

    So where's this typh!note then?
    Well then, get on with it. Don't let a conversation with me get you a detention or something.
    And those girls? Deck them.

    Nobody is talking to me online anymore. I'm checking my cp day in day out and still nothing. Plus the amount of stars and comments I'm recieving on my flipnotes has diminished. I'm feel lonely and depressed.
    Do what you want cause a pirate is free- *shotgun'd*

    Exactly! That part was great. Awkward moment? Hold yourself hostage! It works every time. xD

    *high-fives you back* Yeeaaaah~ :3
    He's the navigation person. They call him something like First or Second Mate. Something like that. He pretty much gets to be on the bridge all day. :]

    OMG. I looooove Blazing Saddles! xDDDD

    That is AWESOME. I would've totally gotten the reference and been like "YEAH! High-five! :DDDDDD"

    "Badges? We don't need no stinkin' badges!" C:
    I know right. :]

    Hahahaha. Nonsense, we'll just beam you over here. Like Star Trek. :DDD

    Maybe that part is only in Rent: Filmed Live on Broadway, which I have. I haven't actually seen the movie movie. I want to though~ <3
    .... Hahahahaha! Why be sorry? I introduced that song to my dad when I first got home because he works on a boat. He wants that song now AND he's been singing it constantly. xD

    *whines* Those look delicious... WHOA! TYPH! I just remembered my mom got stuff for making cannoli! :DDDDD

    Haha. I love that song. xD

    But I still have the Rent song stuck in mine. And the part where he's like, "December 24th, 9 PM. Eastern Standard Time. From here on in, I shoot without a script. See if anything comes of it, instead of my old shit." C:
    Butbut.... being a ninja pirate in real life would be awesome. C: I've pretty much got the pirate part down already since I've pretty much lived on a boat my whole life. Ninja? Not so much. I'm really clumsy. Cx

    omg. Sugar rush~ That makes me totally want to eat as much sugary things as possible to get one. :D
    I think I have a new life goal besides zorbing in New Zealand. To watch Rent live. :D

    Rare candies are great. I waaaant too. D:
    YES. :DDD

    God, I'm getting more and more into Rent. >-> I have a burning desire to just start singing the Rent song really, really loud. :D *shot*

    Haha. That's how I was with my team. It's a lot of work trying to level them up. xD
    And then we can huddle around our fire in our trashcan for warmth. :3

    There is? YES. They deserve it. <3

    What level are they now? C:
    Well, then you should dress up as a hobo with me and we'll sing. >:D How we gonna pay~ How we gonna pay~ How we gonna pay... LAST YEAR'S RENT~? :D?

    Yeah, I think my sister has some of the orchestra versions. C:

    ha... Lassie. It's fitting though, no? :D Awwww... they die? D: That's how it was for my team on Pearl. I would always get to Lucien and then they would be like, "okay, we die now. D:"
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