It would be better if you get a job so that you earn lots of money but most importantly gain employment experience: to get a feel of what it is like, a better sense of responsibility and understand what is expected of you while on the job. However, if you don't want one, that's your choice. Nobody is stopping you. =P
I wish I could've seen it though. Nonetheless, that's wonderful to hear! Looks like all that hard work paid off for the better, eh? I'm proud of ya, Blazie! ^w^
...I have no comment.... Other than amazing... and that my jaw dropped when I read that paragraph. ^^; That's simply... wow. Once again, congratulations!!! ^w^ *Applauds again*
You have a path set for success along your road, I can sense it. This may sound redundant but keep on walking that road to success and happiness, just keep on walking. You'll arrive there one day; perhaps sooner than you would expect. =)
Huh, I've noticed that you like FF13 by setting Vanille as your avatar. =P I've been meaning to try that game out for a long time now but my Blockbuster doesn't seem to have them in stock everytime I visit. That game plus Eternal Sonata, Star Ocean: The Last Hope, and Resonance of Fate (all three of which are RPGs). Anyway, I would like to suggest a game for you to try, although I don't know if you would like it. It's called "Tales of Vesperia". I've already told you about the franchise, but to refresh your memory it's pretty much a beat'em up RPG video game series where you get to move around the battlefield and fight and stuff. =P The storyline, on the other hand, usually revolves around real-life themes or topics of philosophy, such as racism, loss or the meaning of life. Furthermore, the antagonists' of the series tend to have a good reason reason for their actions but from a different perspective their actions are deemed "evil." Anyway, I'll you decide whether or not you want to try this game. It's currently my favorite game on the 360. ^^
One last thing: HAPPY CANADA DAY!!! ^w^
...That is all. =)