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  • Uh, I don't know, I know I want to get a Black Belt, but after that I'm not so sure. Anyway, I do Wado-Kai. It's japanese for 'The Path of Peace' or something like that.
    Happy Easter to you, too! Sorry, but I was away camping. And grrrrrrrr! You are higher ranking than me! What style do you do?
    Thanks a lot. You too.

    And, uh, since when did I want a cydiquil. O_o I mean thanks, but I already have one.

    And thanks for alerting Heavy Lobster.
    If you're sure.

    And I'm concerned with them messing up my game. I just think cheating is cheap.
    No, you see, the point I was trying to make was that grades are no measure of intelligence.
    That's usually my problem. I can usually get good grades on them though. Though lately I've really had my prioties straight, and I've gotton a jumpstart on everything.

    Karate, that's cool. I've always wanted to try, but all the local classes have always been much too expensive.
    No, they'll probably just force me to cut it all off. Assuming they're still together, because I'm pretty sure my dad wouldn't care.
    Niet. You see, even it's blue, the hair will keep growing. I'll ask for a trim and use that hair.
    Heh. Well my parents say that I can only have during the summer.

    Still. I want to be as close as possible. I think when I get my first haircut, I'll steal some of the hair.
    I'm definitly going to try, but I'm not sure how well it'll turn out. I tend to screw up things like cosplaying royally.

    My hair. Will be as blue as a beluga. No questions asked.
    ...What? I'm not telling you to become a Republican. I'm saying that if someone calls you a damn libreal, you should thank them.
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