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  • Heavy Lobster vs Dr Frank, BlazieAura vs Eonrider, and a handful of emergency reffings.
    No real reason to; it's not as though it's going to spoil.

    It would have been better if he had told me and the people he was reffing for about this, though.
    Eh, seemed cool for the first year. (On my third now.) All the instructor does now is make us run/pushups, ect. You learn the most in the beginning. After that it just seems like you should just join a gym. Yes, it's very expensive here too. The "Cheapest" karate school costs over a hundred a month. What a rip.

    Aren't we all studying. :P I have two more reports that need done by Friday... I haven't even started on them yet.
    Erm..... hiiiii. What's happenin'? I'm so...so bored. And I pulled a muscle in my shoulder but I'm still being forced into karate practice today...
    Umm, I've got something to tell you too: Im going to have to leave TcoD for a LOT of time, and by that I mean several months, so I won't be able to stay in contact with anyone.

    P.S. If you're still into ASB, feel free to send a link to this message and take all of the pokemon that I own.

    Anyway, if you'd like to stay in contact, send me some messages to my E-mail adress.
    I'll send it to you by PM.

    ...And tell Skroy and Psymon they were always good conversation partners....
    "One of these days..."
    ....Im gonna get you, Scyther.

    Say, are you happy that I E-reffed your match against Ameroq?

    P.S. Any news? Want to voicechat now(without recording my horrible voice)?
    SHAVED OFF?! I get pissed when I get one inch off!

    I'm really mad at my Scyther. They won't breed an Adamant natured Scyther for me. D: I've hatched nearly twenty Scyther without a damn Adamant nature. <.<
    Acctualy, Im more grossed out by meat that doesn't come from the sea.

    Well, everyone and their stuff.

    Anyway, Im waiting for the 1st April, when I'll get a copy of HG.

    And lately I've been EV training in Platinum a lot- I've got a whole cohorot of EV trained monsters. The main problem is their natures...
    Well, it's...Chilly outside.

    Im usually reading german comic books and playing on my DS, and I go out with my dad for a long walk(around 3 Kilometers) once every two days, on evenings.

    Well, my Kitty(what she's 9 years old) is very angry and agressive, and I have a sister and two brothers, all younger than me.

    Well, as I said, my cat is nice when she's not angry, and I sometimes sleep with her, even if not for long. Imagine that today I got to use her as a cusion(augh spelling), that is put my head on her side and fell asleep....
    1)Well, I've got 1 free week now so im gonna spam TCOD with reffings and my pokemon ruby with training.

    P.S. I restarted it after I trained a bagon ALL THE WAY TO LEVEL 100 and sent it to platinum.

    Anyway, I've got a slakoth and a ralts, and both appeared really quickly! Yay!
    (played for 3:03 hours)

    2) Hm. Well, I asked my father wether we could buy some anchovy, since I heard its real salty and Im kind of sick of Tuna, so we bought some Anchovy and I tasted it and it tasted great!
    The main downside is that this stuff costs a fortune- 100 gramms of Anchovy cost something like 300 gramm of Tuna....

    And Larsy really thinks he's becoming a lunatic. Or something.
    ...And kitty is now 12 Kg(26 Pounds), but we put her on a diet....
    And I managed to convince her to sit down on my legs- and she rarely does so.

    3) There's a new disco near my house so I can't sleep properly lately...eh....
    So I had a siesta(slept during the aftenoon).
    That is how I speak, yes. I would have some difficulty typing in such a manner if I did not speak that way, I believe.
    Well, I know not what I should say here. I posted a vague introduction thread if it's of any consolation.
    Mmm. That's um... nice. So you therefore must get it dyed back to blonde/brown/black at the end of summer? I'm wondering what blue eyebrows would look like. < <
    Screw the Taylor idea. I got forced into ANOTHER haircut. D: Mark, maybe?~

    I don't know why I'm wondering this but, how will you dye the extra hair? Tell the stylist "Oh, and dye that hair you just cut off, too"? Or are you going to DIY?
    I wish my parents would let me do anything... (They won't even let me get my hair a darker shade of brown)

    'Course I could dye mine red when they are gone this weekend and dress up as Taylor Lancaster? I wouldn't worry about being to precise; no one can be an exact replica without being a clone or something.
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