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  • Eh, anything'll do, but if you happen to have a Totodile or Chichorita, that would be nice. If we do any Voice Chatting, I'll have to wait 'til my parents are gone, though. It's not like they'd trust me talking to someone I met online. D:

    Yeah, I'm not incredible with writing, but I'll get better. I mainly wanna ref because I'd like some money to buy a few more Pokemon, (Sadly, the cheapest pokemon I want is Seviper, at £15) and because there is so many battles out there that don't get reffed. I'll lower that number, even if it's only by a few.

    Canoeing? I always thought it sounded fun but because some idiot tried to swim across on of the largest rivers in the U.S. (The Snake), he ended up drowning and now I'm the only one in our family who isn't afraid of rivers, so... no one will let me take a canoe ride.

    Uh... well, I live in the countryside, so other than getting on the internet and stuff, all there really is to do is hike, fish or hunt while hiking. I've been hiking up the canyons with a pellet gun lately, but I haven't shot one bullet out of the gun up there; I'm a perfectionist when it comes to aiming and it's really thick up there so it's hard to get a good opportunity to shoot.
    Uh, I'm talking about that shiny Cyndaquil, you never got back to me about it. (After some checking with the owner, I found out it was obtained through the Masuda Method, then cloned. In other words 99% legit.)

    No problem, I wasn't sure when you would be back and I didn't want people to start swarming you.

    Well, I have access to a computer for a while each day now, thanks to online classes. I'm gonna shoot for being a ref in ASB.
    HI SCY! Miss me? ;)
    I got your e-mail, although you never replied back. =( Did something happen? Well, I'm back but only temporarily (meaning maybe only today) seeing as it's my Easter holiday at the moment. Good news though: I may just return to the online communities before May. =D Not much has happened in my life since I left, but I'm currently doing work and energy in my physics class, a topic of physics that I found easy back in high school. Hopefully stay the way they are like now....

    It's okay. As long as I haven't lost touch with you, I'm okay. ^^ (Although depending on who I'm speaking with i.e. a person who I'm in love with, I might not be in the greatest condition in most cases. ^^;)

    xDDD Wow, I remember that message! And now that I think about it, it'll almost be a whole year since I joined TCoD. I'm super glad I did; I regret nothing! =D
    He said hopefully sometime in April, but the earliest he can guarantee is by May. =/ And yep, he said email works still because he checks it...
    I deleted it because I accidentally posted the previous one again. I have no idea why MidnightSaboteur's name is on it; it must be some glitch. There definitely was some sort of a glitch going on there, since first I selected my double VM and that inexplicably deleted yours instead, hence why that is gone.
    Yes. =( He's doing bad in school at the moment, so he's taking a break. It's sad. >.<
    *shrug* We all act like that some times, tis alright.

    As for how I am, I'm doing fine. But you caught me just before I was going to go to bed.

    Night Hun.
    Well, on the standardized tests at the end of tenth grade, I think I got 9 on everything except math (10) and social studies (8), which rounds out to nine. My non-mandatory-four-year-school doesn't actually calculate grade averages, but it was nine point something.
    No, I haven't seen The Princess and the Frog. Wouldn't mind seeing it sometime, but it's not especially a priority.

    We don't actually have "high school" over here; there's one mandatory school stage that covers eighth to tenth grade and one non-mandatory one that's generally four years after that. So um, which?
    I'm 99% sure they're fine. I got 10-15 pokemon from him and my DS card hasn't blown up and the graphics aren't whacked yet, so... they're safe? And yes 'cheating' is cheap but I'm not cheating. Some other guy is, then he gives me some of his product!
    They are clones of a legit shiny Cyndaquil. They haven't messed up my game at all, so I think they're fine.
    Oh, now I see. Um, random but, wanna shiny Cyndaquil? I have a friend who basically runs a 'black market of Pokemon trading'. He hooked me up with three or four shiny Cyndaquil so...
    Yes please, thanks a lot. I'll accept your generous offa... *formality breakdown*!!
    I wasn't aware Lars wasn't there, what happened?
    I just love procrastination. :P

    And that little "What do you like best/worst about TQFtL", did you notice I said "three grades up"? I easily get straight A's on everything for 7th Grade, my scores can easily get me by in 10th Grade. :P A 'C' is bad though, lowest I've ever gotten was 88.89. (Oh, damn, I hope I remembered to put 'three grades up' in that post. Or I'm screwed...)
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