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  • Hey. Notice anything different about me, like A NEW NAME? [/pointing out the obvious]

    So, are you actually going to dye your hair blue and dress like Sparky? You HAVE to post pictures of that...
    Yeah, uh, is there any chance I could convince you to Emergency-reff my battle with Charmanpid?

    If you're an emergency reff, you get 12$ per round and can pick the money up on the spot.
    Neat, huh?
    They're done; I am just collecting all the information that I need to distribute pay at this point.
    Hey, Scy, is there any chance that you are still active in ASB?

    I've got a challenge for you.

    On other notes, my cat is now even fatter and weighs 11 KG(25 Pounds).
    I would be Kam you silly rabbit.

    But I'm now the inconsequential character of the day who meets the show's protagonist and then disappears at the end of the episode and is never seen again!
    Ah, sorta like "Thank you sir, may I have another?" Then I punch 'em in the throat, right? (Actually, I had one Democrat friend who got called something like 'Yankee' by a republican kid so he hit him in the head with a rock. :O)
    But really, I wanna punch 'em in the throat. I'm a brown belt! :D Speaking of which I have to go three hours away to a Karate Tournament tommorow...

    You didn't say anything about Pennsylvannia because Idaho owned it with it's precious jewels!
    OF COURSE I CAN BEAT THAT! Idaho grows better potatoes, and guess what? Other then India, Idaho is the only place you can find garnets on the whole damn planet.

    NO! I'm never going to be a republican. I hope you aren't... Cause republicans suck. Think of Bush. So dumb, he sat there reading a book to some four year olds while New York was being attacked. And it's my dad who glamours around with our political beliefs. (He hangs out at this place called 'DEMOCRAT HQ' Yeah.)

    Eh. I'm just in a bad mood right now. Probably why I seem so political and stuff.
    Yes, sorry, I don't normally run around yelling "GAY RETARD OMG", my first time actually. No offense made. But banned episode #1, James really does have cleavage.

    And because I'm an Idahoan, 86% (I think it's 86%. Somewhere 75% & up I'm pretty sure) everyone I know is a republican. I'm not. I get called a 'damn liberal', 'yankee bastard', ect. I'm twelve for god's sake. It's not like I could cause anything political.
    Yeah. About that. Dwagie overreacted, ultraviolet helped. Hell, I've been called a gay retard, I've called people gay retards. Actually I've even been called a gay f*cktard. (<-- For blocking a guy on YouTube) Yes, I got a warning from Butterfree, I'll try to keep it non-offensive. And don't mention too much stuff about 'liberal' around me. I hate being called/hearing the word liberal, even though I am one.
    YAY! You're back to stalkerdom! My shirt size is um... *Takes off shirt* ADULT MEDIUM!

    Well, I'm gonna launch an assult on '[CUE LIGHTS]' as soon as my name gets changed... I'm 'Aqua Leader Archie'. Have you attacked the thread yet?
    Eeeeeh, I felt like keeping the fact that my birthday is on Feb. 19 a surprise, but I guess I failed at it for forgetting to tell you. ^^; Speaking of which, it was a nice birthday; did a humanities test, went to a Robotics competition (here's my school's video that we had to do: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSkaVVKqAVs Also watch the mockumentary. :) Part 1 and part 2. I don't appear much, but hey, you finally get to hear my voice. ^^;

    Who is this BlazeAura dude you speak of, Scy? :3 I do know of a BlazieAura who has changed her username to Blazie, but I do not know of a BlazeAura. xDDD;;; And you call yourself a convo-stalker. Tsk, tsk... xDDDDDDDDDDD

    You're right, I should chill; all I'm doing is whining really. I got a lot of talent— or so I infer from my friends' supporting words— and I should be content for what I have and what I can do at present. Except.... Well, there this one person who isn't convinced that I should be happy with the things I have at the moment. That person happens to be myself. I don't find the things I do nor myself amazing, and yet people tell me otherwise. However, I don't understand! How am I amazing to you people?

    ...Maybe I'm just being too stubborn about all this. My stubbornness may be the reason why I am blind to see the praise and support my friends give me, the extraordinary talent I can hope to exhibit, and the true beauty behind the things I do. I honestly say that I can do a whole lot better than whine like a snotty nosed brat if I put my mind to it. I just gotta believe in myself more....

    ...And concerning those missed opportunities, I don't I missed them just yet; in fact, I believe those opportunities have opened their gates to me now. It's never too late; I still got time to do what I wanted to do in my childhood....

    ...Thanks, Isaac. Your words were really reassuring to me. Once again, thank you. =D
    Me in love is old news, Scy. =P (Although I realized that I lost my chance with one, but I still love that person very much in the same manner as before to the point of being mates. ^^).

    Um, maybe you should look at my profile instead? =P
    Ahh, I see. I would like to play you if we ever got the chance. =)
    ...Notice something different? (Other than the avatar)
    ...Meh. =P

    I'm slowing getting into the Pokémon TCG thanks to a friend of mine. Do you play the card game? =3
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