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  • =.=
    ur asleep, u can only use sleep talk, and it doesnt always work
    no, i dont need tips
    I got to stay home, even though I had to get dressed and driven to school only to find out that I never really needed to be there.
    Well, my brother was the one that told my mom that we got to go home in the middle of the day. Unfortunately, he told her this on the ride there, and after fiding out, my mom turned to me and said "Well if I knew that, I wouldn't have woken you up"

    I'm not often quick to judge. It just all depends on how much sleep I've had~
    I checked every category, starting with Real Life. I don't know why but I did.

    And the Random Item button likes throwing me in LiveActionTV/HoYay. For some reason.
    Yep, it is.
    I came to a conclusion- I can lift her to train my muscles, if i ever wanted to.
    I still have to learn the special 'lift her in the way she likes' way, though.

    And second: heard but not seen its actual form, only the sillouhete.

    Is it really called Zorak?

    Edit: Saw it on serebii now.

    I'm just doing some homework due in two days. Going to see if I can con my mom in letting me stay home tomorrow.

    The rarities of pokémon are based on their in-game rarities, which so far as I'm aware haven't changed at all since back in R/B/Y. I don't anticipate needing to put restrictions on anything other than overtly legendary pokémon.
    Hmmm.....That sounds kind of disturbing. Seriously.

    Anyway, im bored, so I wanted to see if you can solve this quiz:
    The answer is, in the end, the number of years my cat is old(X=?), and add 1 point to it and it becomes my cat's wieght in KG's(X+1=?).


    What number is X?

    Well, I've got the idea. The answer is:
    I can reff it if you want, but Im really rusty and don't have much time. Tomorrow I'll try to get it started though.


    Edit: And don't mention my accent!
    To an extent it depends on what you want to improve upon, but in general any of the elites are good, or Mike the Foxhog or Crazy Linoone.
    Um, you don't necessarily have to draw stuff you know. ^^; You can even write stories on DA if you like.

    You don't have to make a DA account just to interact with me you know. I'll log on here every once in a while to check my messages and PMs, so don't worry.
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