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  • ...woah.

    Ok, This isn't something I'm sure I can really help with. All I can say is that...this sounds to be a serious matter. If they are fighting like this in front of you, to a point of coming to blows, this just doesn't seem like this marriage is working out. I'm from a family where my parents did the same and finally divorced. At first, I hated the idea of them being apart...but it was for the best. For the both of them.

    All I can say to you is either stay the hell away from them, or tell a school councillor about what is happening. There is nothing really you can do to stop them from fighting, but you can try to stay out of the way and talk to the right people.

    Hope this helps.
    ...Um, Scy? You may have to wait a week for me to respond to your PM. That's... wow, I don't even know where to begin....
    Hey um.

    I'd like to ask kindly if you could please remove this? You clearly c/p'd my post for The Program, and changed it a bit, which is sort of not okay. I would have maybe let you use it if you had asked, but you didn't, and well, here we are. If it was just another Battle Royale RP, it'd be fine since the idea is not mine, but the post is.

    Thanks a lot!
    I'll be eatting it tomarrow, just wanted to mess with you.

    I may join, may not...meh.
    Copy/paste from another message I sent:

    Okay, I'm back. Man, I'm tired. My first day of classes didn't even feel like the first day of anything all. Now to give my thoughts on each class I had:

    Calculus II (Math): Did differential calculus, now moving onto integrative calculus. The class and subject is nice, but honestly my teacher is a bit on the boring.

    Aerobics (P.E.): ...I'm so gonna be dead by the end of the semester. ^^; Although it will all be worth it all the exercises we're doing.

    Mechanics (Physics): I can't really comment on this class 'cause my teacher didn't even come to class on the first day and on the second day we did a math diagnostic test for the whole period! xD

    Ravens & Shadows (English: Literary genres): Went in, watched the music video of "Thriller" by Michael Jackson and now I have to analyze the contents of the music video. Plus, the teacher is awesome! Plus, she even holds a slumber party at the college every semester! Can't wait for it! :la:

    Data Structures & Object Oriented Programming: Same like in my last programming class:. In fact, it's a continuation of last semester and I'm learning about GUI's. :la:

    Our Developing World (Humanities: Worldviews): B-O-R-ING! I admit, however, that the subject itself is interesting but my teacher makes it sound boring! =/

    Digital Design I (Complementary): [Will add thoughts as soon as I take it on Tuesday.]

    I also got managed to get a job at my college's bookstore! Sweetness! ^w^ It wasn't as bad as I thought; basically all I did was help other students find their books, handed out lab coats and stacked/shelved books all day. =D

    See? Now you know why I love math! :D (...That fact and I have a fetish for it as well... O///O).

    ...What overnight thing? Come again? :?

    Huh, nice classes you have there....
    ... Yeah, this was rather anticlimactic.
    Alrighty then~~
    But are you sure it's okay? I mean, what if I'm not online by the time you accept the request? Wouldn't it just be easier to send the photos to me by, say, e-mail then delete the message in the folder that contains sent items?

    EDIT: Okay, I saw the pictures, deleted the friendship and now that I got a better look, you totally look like one of my friends when we were 13! xD Uber awesome! =DDD
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