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  • Selling the house...? Where will she live when it's sold? o.O Eh, that aside, why can't he see his kids/grandson too often?

    Well then, it's time you got some sort of a lucky break, I'd think.

    Hm. I'd taunt Pancake, then just use a dark-type move and laugh.

    Unless Blazhy is a dick and protects while Pancake rests. In which case we'll have an energy kill.
    i don't think you can get Nidos in Emerald, so the next female water and/or ground type i catch will be called Typh O:

    Also tehehehe. *grins*
    xP Don't be shy D: if we're both shy then nobody ever says anythiiing.

    You definitely should go see it sometime! You could probably still find a torrent if you looked, too... *cough* That's what I did, put it on my iPod, but I went to see it twice and bought a book so that makes it okay, yeah? :D
    I guess he hasn't told anyone why he's depressed, or if he thinks he's depressed at all?

    Anyway, you said he was taking his medications but eating like a normal person, which doesn't seem very different from what you described in your last VM...? Did the meds suddenly stop working, or something?

    Well, the average life expectancy in New Jersey (that's where you live, right?) is the late 70s. By all means, he should have a few good years coming, medical conditions or not.
    Then, does he know he only has a year? I can only assume he knows. I guess one slap wasn't enough, huh?

    Just because he isn't trying doesn't mean you shouldn't worry. I don't know his reasons, but he has to know that there are people out there who care, and basically throwing his life away just because he can't be bothered to make an effort - and I'm sorry if I'm being blunt here - is goddamn selfish.

    Make him see. Make him see that even if it looks bad, he can't just give up. If he just goes without raising a finger in defiance, then that's just letting everyone down.
    Ffff lost the tab when my computer froze. Sorry late reply D:

    If I were him I'd stay in that kid's house. Unless that kid isn't quite fond of him as well, of course. But eh.

    Ah, yeah, I know of pre-test panic. The person who sits in front of me in math class goes into a complete panic when a test comes up. She's clawed at my arm on one occasion OTL
    Anyway, formal stuff scares me, so you're not alone. When're these tests? Or have you already done them?

    Salsa...? Makes me think of nachos.
    WOULD YOU OBJECT TO A FEMALE SCOUT. Since I already have a Scout OC and they're a girl O:

    Also I can totes help with typing stuff up if you need it; just shoot me a VM/PM if you need me for anything.

    ALSO ALSO i'm playing Moemon Emerald and naming my Pokemon after my friends what should I name after you and what should i call it? I have a Ralts named Krystal (moony), a Wingull named Sable, and a Skitty named Kat (meeee), and am gunna get a Vulpix named Zora soon. :0 My other team members are a Shroomish, Zigzagoon, and Combuskein, so anything that's not those. Also it should be able to be catched in Emerald.

    (look at these pokemon they are so cute.)
    :3 heee thank yee.

    And yep, I have; moony and her brother have it. I've never played myself but I know a teeny bit about it. and I remember the RP too, yus.
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