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  • Not even a quarter? That's... rather... Are you sure there wasn't a Reflect up, or something?

    Usually I get one or two good Pokemon in the beginning, and accumulate them as I go along. It gets pretty difficult at times (that Garchomp took down two and a half of my Pokemon), but hey, when I pull through, I've got a fat reward waiting for me.

    The Starmie set I got was Surf, Psychic, and some other stuff, I forget. Great speed + great sp. attack + STAB'd attacks = a fearsome sweeper, even though its coverage wasn't that great.
    Seriously? How many Dragon Claws did you use? I'd expect it to die within two, assuming you DD'd. Slaking usually don't pose too many problems for me, as long as I've got a strong attacker (which Salamence is).

    Actually, I've seen a Garchomp in the Battle Factory once or twice that's simply godly. Outrage, Fire Fang, etc.... It swept basically everything in its path, and only died once or twice during the entire streak.
    Normally Thorton says my teams are around 20~40%, but I trample him anyway xD

    I had an amazing team just today, though. Forretress, Lucario, and Starmie. The Forretress had Stealth Rock and both types of Spikes; after laying down the entry hazards, it just Paybacked until it died, usually managing to take down something with it. Then I just swept with whatever fit the situation. Just about everything got OHKO'd.
    Slaking, eh? On the other hand, when I first battled him, his Cresselia really gave me a run for my money. OTL You could hear me raging about how he got to use legendaries about three blocks away afterwards.
    Guitar Hero! *high-fives*
    Actually I prefer Rock Band's guitar. But eh, same difference.

    Now aim for that 6th streak! Legendaries start appearing then.
    Happy Birthday.
    You're now one year older~~
    Happy Birthday.
    Your life still isn't over~~
    Happy Birthday.
    You did not accomplish much~~
    But you didn't die this year I guess that good enough.
    hnn! I must have forgot, oops. Uh. Sorry, I'm not the most attentive and remember-y person out there x: just uh, remind me of what I was supposed to do and I'll get right on it x: sorry again.
    Well, as long as I get more than 1 EXP from this battle, I'm happy.

    Negrek seems to be flickering out of existence more frequently these days, doesn't she.
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