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  • My parents are almost always fighting and screaming at each other, and me.

    Nor am I. I was just saying :|
    Depression... again. :/

    also i was supposed to ask out one of my friends today but i am a chicken :<
    ...i did indeed x3

    ahem. so i am a loser.

    a cutting loser.

    you helped get me out of suicide last time so.

    help me typhu ;;
    But then again, well, I dunno about you, but I somehow have this curse of being elbowed in the boob always, so....

    The "girls" get hurt anyway?
    Agreed <3

    Yeah. That would be weird. xD wait. then why don't guys refer to their junk as "the guys" if we refer to our boobs as "the girls"? actually, i don't refer to my boobs as "girls" i just grab them and call them "these things" or just "my boobs" plain and simple C:
    Yay for fandom buddies! :DD I have many of them in boarding school, it's fun to squee~

    xDDD I think my (girl) friend and I were talking about naming boobs or something. It was hilarious. xD and had a discussion with my "brother" which involved naming his junk. Ahhh good times, good times.
    Raging fangirl is not bad though :]

    Yeah, I understand. Sometimes it feels like my mom is a single mom because Dad goes to work for several weeks on the boats. And this summer he won't be able to be in Texas with us cause he has to work and all that crap. D:
    Demeanor changes how?

    Oh, you're not intruding at all. I mean, I can't say it's different because I don't know the feeling of not having both parents there. But it's really great. I love my mom to death, but having a guy in the family is really awesome. I love hanging out with him cause he's just like a teenager humor wise, well both parents are really. It's just the whole guys opinion on stuff is cool to be around when you come from a family of all girls.
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