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  • I... I have yet to figure that out! :'D don't shoot me eep

    I'll probably make the character boring and make him/her good with a sword. I don't know, I'm not really fond of supernatural powers in humans, though I might add some minor things.
    Well, I'm just gonna do that instead of straight-out playing Uryuu so people can't blame me for being OOC, since it'll technically be my own character and all. OTL;;
    Well yeah, but... That's going to be a long read. How long is the average FMA chapter?

    ...100 pages...

    You're kidding me, right?

    I have no idea what's going on at the moment though, so *plugs ears in case of spoilers*
    Asterisk is amazing, yes. I haven't heard it in so long though.

    I only watch/read Bleach because I went along that long, and I may as well finish it.
    Ah... I'm paranoid that he'll be OOC and people will yell at me for it, so I'll just make a character with his general personality.
    Ahh... I have no idea o.o I don't really go around the RP boards... But it is a fairly common idea, right? So long as we don't use the same games/TV shows/anime/whatever?
    TYPH *tackles*

    Coincidentally I was considering sending you a message just an hour or so ago, but I couldn't think of what to say.
    That's the point. xD

    That is great. The adoption part I mean. Well, I wouldn't want him to get abused that much just so they can take him away and she can adopt him, that'd be bad... But I just hope it'd be possible for her to adopt him nonetheless. And then you'd have your P-i-C with you always :D
    Nooooo... weenus. The flappy piece of skin on your elbow. xDD

    That is the weenus~
    Mah face! DDD:

    That's gotta hurt. *noms your... uhhh... elbow* I could've gone with weenus, but no.
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