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  • I want an iPod for Christmas, too. Probably not getting it because it's way to expensive.

    ...OKAY FWEE!

    Ooh, did you have fun? :D


    I do, I really do~ <3
    I'm doing well. I was just wondering if you were planning to respond to my post in your RP. Have you checked it lately?
    Merry Newchrismahannuhkwanzadon day to you too, Blade! I'll get your presnt up soon. :D

    -I love it I love it I love it. I put the lyrics to that song about a day ago~ <3
    -I shall not watch the video but I shall isten instead.
    -Very catchy! <3
    -The kittens made the video more adorable~

    Thanks so much for the presents, Blade! <3 Merry all-of-the-December-holidays! :D
    Alright, marriage dropped~

    Alright, that'll work. I'll notify everyone~

    And thank you! Yours is quite Christmas-y as well! <3
    It's indeed awesome. Internet families are the best fake kind.

    Of course! What role would you like to pla-hey wait a minute. If you end up being one of my siblings, wouldn't that be weird? I mean we are married. Unless you want to be my husband we can drop the whole pretend marrage thing and you can be a sibling.
    I love all those videos. <3

    Well, we're not an actual family. We're an online family though! It started off as joe mama being my big brother, then Cloud asking to by my little brother, and then Silver asking to be my little sister. Though, Cloud and Silver are older than me. joe mama really is older than me, though, so the "Best Big Bro" and "Best 'Lil Sis" thing work out for us.
    ...what. Sunny, use teleport and get us out of here. *teleports somewhere on earth* /maybe/

    i had the chance to go to one, but nah, I didn't want to. I'm glad I didn't go though, it would've been boring there, school here is fun everyday.


    I can use my Gardevoir. She knows teleport!!

    Believe it or not Silver can be shy too. :o
    Actually, I think they only want to attack you...it was your shinx.

    I am a book nerd. I've only read 4 of them so far, they're boring this year.

    Yes, I made pictures and you use words to tell what they're doing! :D

    O.o woah. I never knew.

    I talk way tooo much. More then you could believe.
    ...I like Kirlia. Maybe it was here to warn you...?

    ! Last year there were 27 here -_-

    XD My sketchbook has about 8 pages left, I think. I can write somewhat, not the greatest at it. xD

    Yes, last time I checked I lived in NC. Unless I move without my knowing...o.o

    Yesh, I am proud. I talk too much sometimes xD
    Oh snap, I forgot to breed it before D: I'll have to breed it before trading it, so I can't trade it yet xD...But maybe we can trade in a few days? :sweatdrop: It knows spikes and weather ball as egg moves :D?
    No D: Hmm...I have a bunch of common pokemon. The only one that really has any value is a near-flawless male snorunt. Would you want that '.'?
    O.o Oh dear, that Kirlia looks very mean.

    It was pretty fun, I read all the books last year, this year so far, only 4. And my teachers choosing them in January.

    Not that good an artist xD

    Yes, she makes complete crap music, and so do the Jonas Brothers, High School Musical (1,2, and 3), and Camp Rock. I'm hating on Disney right now xD! They make too many...musicals. :D But yay, another follower.

    Yes, it's amazing how much we talk. Cloud and I have almost 400 though. xD
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