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    They're very similar, no?

    Yep. The perfect feeding ground for our vindicative little ghost.

    Salutations, friend. ;)

    "You got any of them tacquitos?"

    He would! Also adding little spoinks! It would be so cute! :D
    ...Denchura, Denchura...

    :?: (Not very, they have a sharp tongue and they point out things that are better left unsaid)

    *insert sad statement about cloud leaving here*


    Fine, MAH COOKIE! I eated it...

    Okay, well my computer's calender screwed up so i didn't get to say goodbye to cloud so now I has a sad...
    ...The hell is Denchuru, The hell is Denchuru...

    :?: (You are nicer than a triangle, a triangle is not as nice as you)

    *insert pokemon joke here*


    I'll trade you a cookie for it! (::)

    So why did you ask?
    Mmhmmm. ;)

    Yep. She'll leave you completely alone unless you happen to start emitting some delicious envy. She needs to feed her shuppet side, after all. And after that she can feast on your soul...

    Hello hello hello. :D

    He certainly is! He's got monkeys in him! And he loveses the (te)piggies!

    Man, that would be cool if I could find fanart of that.
    Well, somehow, I could see it just fine earlier. I'm already doing the reffing.

    My, my Envy is getting creepier by the moment isn't she? And right now she is plotting the downfall of Adeline. :o

    I just suddenly decided she would eat the blood. It doesn't have anything to do wth banette, but whatever.

    Also, hi there. :)

    We should talk more. Possibly about waffles or something. Have you seen Invader Zim?
    ...yes it can *shotgun*, yes it can *shotgun*...

    ?:? (No, but you're nicer than triangles.)

    *insert witty reply*



    It was a doublepost.
    Yeah. I got kind of angry considering the misunderstanding, but right now I'm typing up a reply, actually. xD

    So yeah.
    ..I know but you're getting annoying about it, I know but you're getting annoying about it...

    ?:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? (...no, you're too nice to be a triangle)

    *insert funny looking face here*


    What's your point?
    ...will you stop bothering me about the orphans?, will you stop bothering me about the orphans?...

    ?::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::? (Like I said)




    Yes, why do you ask?
    Blade is back from his competition. And a bit dissapointed *mumblemustkillbloomingtonhighschoolmumble*

    *I saw. *makes another* (Mine will be raised quickly with care.)*

    Yes, apparently so.


    *there are a bunch of clips on youtube, and a few full episodes on cbs.com* ((You said I'm forgiven, right?))

    thanks. ~<3 I thought so.

    ((... really.))

    ||| I'VE NOTICED.|||

    .... :D

    or just ignore her. It's fine, it happened a few years ago. *hugs back* Well, whatever makes you feel better. That show kinda disturbs me a bit... but I watch it anyway.
    I'm still looking to see if I can make it work on another computer.

    I'll send you the first chapter in PM. Keep in mind, though this may be seen later in the story, I'm prone to having some character give lengthy explanations of how things work or how stuff happened. Though it makes sense in the first chapter to do such.
    I used to have Wi-Fi for DS, but the only laptop that would work with the USB connector had major charging issues (think it's related to the power chord).

    I dunno if should post the first chapter of it or not, I'm a very inexperienced writer. :S
    If I had Wi-fi I'd gladly send you one.

    On another note, I'm randomly making a pokémon fanfic full of science.
    I got really lucky on my Soul Silver and found it on an Onix. Finding pokerus is like finding a shiny, except that pokerus can be spread.
    I've usually gone in with like 2-3 level 50s + that are EV trained and just wipe out the league. Now imagine 4 level 80s that are EV trained.
    Google. x3
    I'm getting the 4 pokémon on my HG to level 80 before facing the league. Currently:
    Feraligatr - level 78
    Pidgeot - level 79
    Ninetales - level 70
    Jolteon - level 73

    Haven't faced the pokémon league yet, lol
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