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  • Well, his six favourite pokemon were: Snorlax, Empoleon, Butterfree, Pidgeot, Torkoal and Smeargle or so he told me. Other then that I don't know. I'll get back to you if I remember anything else. (Cruddy memory)
    Hello there, Superbird! How has your day been today? :)

    Mhm. Brother and sister, to be exact. Well, Internet Siblings. Oh, that's so sweet! He loves gifts like that, he'll be sure to like it. Help? Of course! From the time I've talked to him, he likes to write (poems are something that he really loves), his favorite Pokemon are Eevees and Pidgeys, he definetly likes funny things; randomness, insanity, stuff like that. He listens to music a lot, as well. He especially likes the song Hold my Hand by Michael Jackson ft. Akon, as it's out sibling song. He likes to RP, and he definetly loves having his friends around. He likes Pillowpets as well, if that helps. He mostly has a very happy attitude, however from the PMs we've sent eachother, he has quite the hard life. He tries looking on the bright side of things, though. Cloudy has always liksed it when people have drawn things for him. :3 He loves gifts. He also loves God and Jesus. :D

    Stuff he dislikes? Well, he likes a lot of things, but he hates it when people are sad, when they fight, when they're angry... he doesn't like mean people, either. He's not that big of a fan of bad stuff, you could say. I'm not sure what he dislikes as in stuff like fandoms and such; just atittudes and such of the sort.

    Gift ideas would be a nice Youtube video for him, a drawing, a poem, maybe even a song. If any of us has ever gotten his adress, sending him some small gifts would be nice. But since we're limited to the internet, yes, videos, drawings, and poems would be the ideal gift for Cloudy. :)

    If there's anything else you need to know, if there's something that you would like me to elaborate on, please let me know~
    Torkoal, Butterfree, Smeargle, Prinplup, Snorlax, and Pidgey! Maybe make him something with those pokemon and some cookies :3
    Hm...maybe something involving Pidgey's and cookies. Ooh! I have a list of pokemon that are his favorites, Oceanic/River/Aquatic sent me a list pertaining to his fanfic. I'm going to check it now!
    ;-; *breaksdown and sobs* I told him I would post on his profile everyday. So he wouldn't forget us ;-;
    Yes, and I can't right now. But sure. Probably in a couple of weeks, I'm gonna be very busy over the next couple of weekends thanks to Science Olympiad. I'll give you my FC as soon as possible.
    Lolz yeah xD...And I should have just switched to scizor first, let you kill it, then taken you out with magmortar's thunderbolt and you wouldn't have been able to roar it out :] Good game~ I want a rematch some time ;)
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